Directions:(1-10) Read the passage carefully and answer the given questions.

The first and most universal change effected in milk is its SOURING. So universal is this phenomenon that it is generally regarded as an inevitable change which cannot be avoided, and, has in the past been regarded as a normal property of milk. Today, however, the phenomenon is well understood. It is due to the action of certain of the milk bacteria upon the milk sugar which converts it into lactic acid, and this acid gives the sour taste and curdles the milk. After this acid is produced in small quantity its presence proves deleterious to the growth of the bacteria, and further bacterial growth is checked. After souring, therefore, the milk for some time does not ordinarily undergo any further changes.

Milk souring has been commonly regarded as a single phenomenon, alike in all cases. When it was first studied by bacteriologists it was thought to be due in all cases to a single species of micro-organism which was discovered to be commonly present and named Bacillus acidi lactici. This bacterium has certainly the power of souring milk rapidly, and is found to be very common in dairies in Europe. As soon as bacteriologists turned their attention more closely to the subject it was found that the spontaneous souring of milk was not always caused by the same species of bacterium. Instead of finding this Bacillus acidi lactici always present, they found that quite a number of different species of bacteria have the power of souring milk, and are found in different specimens of soured milk. The number of species of bacteria which have been found to sour milk has increased until something over a hundred are known to have this power. These different species do not affect the milk in the same way. All produce some acid, but they differ in the kind and the amount of acid, and especially in the other changes which are effected at the same time that the milk is soured, so that the resulting soured milk is quite variable. In spite of this variety, however, the most recent work tends to show that the majority of cases of spontaneous souring of milk are produced by bacteria which, though somewhat variable, probably constitute a single species, and are identical with the Bacillus acidi lactici. This species, found common in the dairies of Europe, according to recent investigations occurs in this country as well. We may say, then, that while there are many species of bacteria infesting the dairy which can sour the milk, there is one which is more common and more universally found than others, and this is the ordinary cause of milk souring.

When we study more carefully the effect upon the milk of the different species of bacteria found in the dairy, we find that there is a great variety of changes which they produce when they are allowed to grow in milk. The dairyman experiences many troubles with his milk. It sometimes curdles without becoming acid. Sometimes it becomes bitter, or acquires an unpleasant “tainted” taste, or, again, a “soapy” taste. Occasionally a dairyman finds his milk becoming slimy, instead of souring and curdling in the normal fashion. At such times, after a number of hours, the milk becomes so slimy that it can be drawn into long threads. Such an infection proves very troublesome, for many a time it persists in spite of all attempts made to remedy it. Again, in other cases the milk will turn blue, acquiring about the time it becomes sour a beautiful sky-blue colour. Or it may become red, or occasionally yellow. All of these troubles the dairyman owes to the presence in his milk of unusual species of bacteria which grow there abundantly.

1.  Which of the following is TRUE about the souring of milk?

Ans: 4
In the second paragraph it is given that, “Instead of finding this Bacillus acidi lactici always present, they found that quite a number of different species of bacteria have the power of souring milk, and are found in different specimens of soured milk. The number of species of bacteria which have been found to sour milk has increased until something over a hundred are known to have this power.”
Thus, Option D is true.

2. Due to the souring of milk, the milk may turn into all of the following colours EXCEPT?

Ans: 3
In the last paragraph it is given that, “Again, in other cases the milk will turn blue, acquiring about the time it becomes sour a beautiful sky-blue colour. Or it may become red, or occasionally yellow.”
Here green has not been mentioned.
Thus, Option C.

3. Bacillus acidi lactici is found to be very common in the dairies of?

Ans: 5
In the first paragraph it is given that, “When it was first studied by bacteriologists it was thought to be due in all cases to a single species of micro-organism which was discovered to be commonly present and named Bacillus acidi lactici. This bacterium has certainly the power of souring milk rapidly, and is found to be very common in dairies in Europe.”
Thus, Option E.

4. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE according to the passage?
1) Souring is an inherent property of milk
2) Acetic acid in milk gives the sour taste to milk
3) Souring is the most universal change effected in milk

Ans: 2
From the passage we understand that souring was earlier regarded as an inherent property of milk. But now we have understood that it is due to the action of certain bacteria on milk. Thus, Statement 1 is incorrect.
It is mentioned in the passage that the sour taste of milk is due to “Lactic acid” and not due to “Acetic acid”. Thus, Statement 2 is also incorrect.
Statement 3 is the first line of the passage. Thus, it is true.
Hence, the answer is Option B.

5. Milk due to soaring can taste all of the following EXCEPT?

In the last paragraph it is given that, “The dairyman experiences many troubles with his milk. It sometimes curdles without becoming acid. Sometimes it becomes bitter, or acquires an unpleasant “tainted” taste, or, again, a “soapy” taste.”
Here “sweet” has not been mentioned.
Thus, Option B.

6. Which of the following is a synonym of the word “spontaneous” as used in the passage?

Ans: 2
“spontaneous” means occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus. “Instinctive” also means the same.

7. Which of the following is a synonym of the word “species” as used in the passage?

Ans: 5
“Species” means a class or variety or breed of an organism.

8. Which of the following is a synonym of the word “infest” as used in the passage?

Ans: 4
“Infest” means to be present in large numbers. Among the given options, “inundate” which means overwhelm with a lot of things to deal with, is the synonym of infest.

9. Which of the following is an antonym of the word “deleterious” as used in the passage?

Ans: 1
“deleterious” means “detrimental” and the antonym is “assist”.

10. Which of the following is an antonym of the word “persist” as used in the passage?

“persist” means to continue and the antonym is “cease” which means to stop.

13 thoughts on “Reading Comprehension for Bank Exams, MBA, SSC and other exams”

  1. KSHITIJA Mishra

    Content relevant for rrb po
    Level and structure is same as banking exams ask for.
    Heartily thanks to the hardworking team who provided this content😊 🙏😇

  2. Kshitija Mishra

    Content relevant for rrb po
    Level and structure is same as banking exams ask for.
    Heartily thanks to the hardworking team who provided this content😊 🙏😇
    Thank you

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