1.12 is related to 36 in the same way as 17 is related to –

Option “B” is correct.
12*3 = 36
17*3 = 51

2.Traveller is related to Journey in the same way as a Sailor is related to:

Option “D” is correct.
Travellers go on Journey in Same way Sailors go on Voyage.

3.Ink : Pen :: Blood : ?

Option “C” is correct.
Ink flows in Pen in same way as Blood flows in Vein.

4.TALE : LATE :: ? : CAFE

Option “A” is correct.
Tale ==> LATE [First and third letter interchanged their positions.]

5.Odometer is to mileage as compass is to

Option “D” is correct.
An odometer is an instrument used to measure mileage. A compass is an instrument used to determine direction. Choices a, b, and c are incorrect because none is an instrument.

6.Marathon is to race as hibernation is to

Option “D” is correct.
A marathon is a long race and hibernation is a lengthy period of sleep. The answer is not choice a or b because even though a bear and winter are related to hibernation, neither completes the analogy. (Choice c) is incorrect because sleep and dream are not synonymous

7.Window is to pane as book is to

Option “D” is correct.
A window is made up of panes, and a book is made up of pages. The answer is not (choice a) because a novel is a type of book. The answer is not (choice b) because glass has no relationship to a book. (Choice c) is incorrect because a cover is only one part of a book; a book is not made up of covers.

8. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to

Option “B” is correct.
Coffee goes into a cup and soup goes into a bowl. Choices a and c are incorrect because they are other utensils. The answer is not choice d because the word food is too general.

9.Yard is to inch as quart is to

Option “B” is correct.
A yard is a larger measure than an inch (a yard contains 36 inches). A quart is a larger measure than an ounce (a quart contains 32 ounces). Gallon (choice a) is incorrect because it is larger than a quart. Choices c and d are incorrect because they are not units of measurement.

10. Elated is to despondent as enlightened is to

Option “B” is correct.
Elated is the opposite of despondent; enlightened is the opposite of ignorant.

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