21.Exercise is to gym as eating is to

Option “D” is correct.
A gym is a place where people exercise. A restaurant is a place where people eat. Food (choice a) is not the answer because it is something people eat, not a place or location where they eat. The answer is not choice b or c because neither represents a place where people eat.

22. Candid is to indirect as honest is to

Option “D” is correct.
Candid and indirect refer to opposing traits. Honest and untruthful refer to opposing traits. The answer is not choice a because frank means the same thing as candid.Wicked (choice b) is incorrect because even though it refers to a negative trait, it does not mean the opposite of honest. (Choice c) is incorrect because truthful and honest mean the same thing.

23. Guide is to direct as reduce is to

Option “A” is correct.
Guide and direct are synonyms, and reduce and decrease are synonyms. The answer is not choice b or d because neither means the same as reduce. (Choice c) is incorrect because increase is the opposite of reduce.

24. Oar is to rowboat as foot is to

Option “C” is correct.
An oar puts a rowboat into motion. A foot puts a skateboard into motion. The answer is not choice a because running is not an object that is put into motion by a foot. Sneaker (choice b) is incorrect because it is something worn on a foot. Jumping (choice d) is incorrect because although you do need feet to jump, jumping is not an object that is put into motion by means of a foot.

25. The words in the bottom row are related in the same way as the words in the top row. For each item, find the word that completes the bottom row of words.

candle lamp floodlight
hut cottage ?

Option “D” is correct.
Above the line, the relationship shows a progression of sources of light. The relationship below the line shows a progression of types of housing, from smallest to largest. (Choice a) is incorrect because a tent is smaller than a house. Choices b and c are wrong because they are not part of the progression.

26. The words in the bottom row are related in the same way as the words in the top row. For each item, find the word that completes the bottom row of words.

daisy flower plant
bungalow house ?

Option “A” is correct.
Above the line, the relationship is as follows: A daisy is a type of flower, and a flower is a type of plant. Below the line, the relationship is as follows: A bungalow is a type of house, and a house is a type of building.

27. The words in the bottom row are related in the same way as the words in the top row. For each item, find the word that completes the bottom row of words.

palette easel brush
textbook lesson plan ?

Option “C” is correct.
The objects above the line are all things used by an artist. The objects below the line are all things used by a teacher.

28. The words in the bottom row are related in the same way as the words in the top row. For each item, find the word that completes the bottom row of words.

rule command dictate
doze sleep ?

Option “D” is correct.
The words above the line show a continuum: Command is more extreme than rule, and dictate is more extreme than command. Below the line, the continuum is as follows: Sleep is more than doze, and hibernate is more than sleep. The other choices are not related in the same way.

29. The words in the bottom row are related in the same way as the words in the top row. For each item, find the word that completes the bottom row of words.

apples fruit supermarket
novel book ?

Option “A” is correct.
The relationship above the line is as follows; apples are a kind of fruit; fruit is sold in a supermarket. Below the line, the relationship is: a novel is a kind of book; books are sold in a bookstore.

30. The words in the bottom row are related in the same way as the words in the top row. For each item, find the word that completes the bottom row of words.

ant fly bee
hamster squirrel ?

Option “B” is correct.
The three above the line are all insects. The hamster and squirrel are rodents, so the correct choice is b because the mouse is also a rodent. The other three choices are not rodents.

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