121.  . . . . . . . youth of Great Britain wants to have . . . . . . . . better life for . . . . . . . . British people.

Option “B” is correct

In the first blank, article “the” will be used because “the” is used to refer to a particular/specific group of people.
In the second blank, article “a” will be used because the speaker is making a general statement.
In the third blank, article “the” will be used because article “the” is used to refer to a DEFINITE group of people like ‘BRITISH PEOPLE’.

122. Karthik is sailing to . . . . . . . . Europe via . . . . . . . . Cape of Good Hope.

Option “A” is correct

The definitive article, ‘the’ is used before some proper nouns which are names of places. Example: The Black Sea, The Pacific Ocean, etc. However, the use of an article is omitted before most proper nouns which are names of people/countries/continents/cities.
In the given sentence, Europe is the name of a continent. Hence, no article is to be used before it. ‘Cape of Good Hope’ is the name of a place. Hence, the definitive article, ‘the’ is to be used before it. Hence, option A is correct.

123. The River Yamuna is . . . . . . . . longest river of all.
a. a

Option “C” is correct

Option C is correct as ‘The’ is used with words with superlatives. ‘Longest’ is superlative.

124. I have never known so wet . . . . . . . . summer.
a. a
b. an

Option “A” is correct

125. The police have arrested . . . . . . . . thief.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

Here, a specific group ‘thief’ is being talked about. ‘The’ article will be used.

126. Shiro has . . . . . . . . terrible toothache.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “A” is correct

‘A’ article is used with general things. ‘Toothache’ is general and hence ‘a’ will be used.

127. . . . . . . . Times of India is interesting.
a. a
c. the

Option “C” is correct

Here, a specific newspaper ‘Times of India’ is being talked about. ‘The’ article will be used.

128. It was . . . . . . . . fun time for the animals.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

129. . . . . . . . . youngest boy has just started going to school, . . . . . . . . eldest boy is in . . . . . . . . college.

Option “A” is correct

In the first blank, article “the” will be used because article ‘the’ is used with superlatives.
Similarly, In the second blank, article “the” will be used because article “the” is used with superlatives.
In the third blank, “no article” will be used because the term ‘college’ doesn’t need specification. It just refers to a place where the eldest boy is studying.

130. Honest men speak . . . . . . . . truth.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

The most appropriate option is ‘the’ as ‘the’ is used before specific things. In this sentence, the specific abstract noun is ‘truth’.

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