131. Egg are sold by . . . . . . . . dozen.
a. a
c. the

Option “C” is correct

132. His son got . . . . . . . . MBA degree from Oxford university.
b. an
c. the

Option “B” is correct

Use ‘an’ before words such as “hour” which sound like they start with a vowel even if the first letter is a consonant. Also use ‘an’ before letters and numbers which sound like they begin with a vowel, such as “F” or “8”. Here MBA begins with ’em’ and therefore ‘an’ article will be used.

133. She ordered . . . . . . . . fried chicken with . . . . . . . . green salad and black coffee for . . . . . . . . dessert.

Option “A” is correct

In the first blank, “no article” or “zero article” will be used because no article is used before meals’ name (fried chicken).
Similarly, in the second blank, “no article” or “zero article” will be used because no article is used with food names (green salad).
In the third blank, “no article” or “zero article” will be used because no article is used before food names’ (dessert).

134. . . . . . . . . ignorance is a bliss and . . . . . . . . ignorance of Miranda was really astounding.

Option “B” is correct

No article is required in the first blank because ignorance is an abstract noun while in the second blank, ‘the’ shall be used because the second part is about a specific person’s ignorance.

135.  . . . . . . . only thing you missed is his lecture.
c. the

Option “C” is correct

Here, a specific lecture that the person missed is being talked about. ‘The’ article will be used.

136.  . . . . . . . Suez Canal has reduced the distance between Asia and Europe.
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

‘The’ will be used here because the sentence talks about a particular canal.

137. It was . . . . . . . . proudest moment of my life.
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

Articles ‘a, an and the’ are used to determine if a noun is definite or indefinite.
Sometimes an article modifies a noun that is also modified by an adjective.
Here the noun is ‘moment’ and ‘proudest’ is an adjective that is modifying the noun. The usual word order is article + adjective + noun, ‘proudest moment’ is a definite or particular moment that the sentence is taking about, hence ‘the’ is used.

138. He said . . . . . . . . case was dismissed.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

‘The’ will be used here because the sentence talks about a particular case.

139. . . . . . . . . palm tree is generally very tall.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “A” is correct

The sentence talks about ‘palm tree’ in general and therefore ‘a’ article will be used.

140. There’s . . . . . . . . giant tortoise in the Galapagos Islands nicknamed Lonesome George.
b. an

Option “A” is correct

In the given sentence, we are talking about one giant tortoise. When the noun is singular ‘a/an’ article must be used before it.
‘A’ is used in front of words that start with a consonant sound.
‘An’ is used in front of words that start with a vowel sound.

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