241. Please don’t make . . . . . . . . noise.
b. an
c. the

Option “A” is correct

242. There is . . . . . . . . excellent film on television this evening.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “B” is correct

Here, the sentence talks about the ‘film’ as general class. Since we are referring to general things, we need to use the indefinite article ‘a/an’. The word ‘excellent’ starts with a vowel and therefore ‘an’ will be used.

243. . . . . . . . . young boy was roaming here and there.
a. a
c. the

Option “A” is correct

Indefinite articles ‘a’ or ‘an’ are used with nouns which are indefinite or general. They are used in a vague sense of a certain like to state a certain member of a group or class. Here in the given question, ‘boy’ denotes a group or class of people, therefore use of the indefinite article is appropriate. The choice between ‘an’ and ‘a’ is determined by the sound of the noun. Before a noun beginning with a vowel sound ‘an’ is used.

244. My brother is . . . . . . . . Soldier. He is in . . . . . . . . army.

Option “A” is correct

‘The’ is used as a definite article for a thing or person when the reader knows which one we are exactly referring to. It states the specific nature of the subject.
Option A is correct as ‘The’ is used as a definite article for a particular noun, Army in the second blank and for the first blank ‘A’ is used as an indefinite article for any random person when the reader doesn’t know which one we are referring to out of many nouns.

245. . . . . . . . . questions Ann asked always seemed to be . . . . . . . . questions to which Paul knew . . . . . . . . answers.

Option “D” is correct

In the first blank, article “the” will be used because here questions are definite (asked by Ann).
In the second blank, “no article” or zero article will be used because no article is used to refer to something already known.
In the third blank, article “the” will be used because here the word ‘answers’ denotes a definite term.

246. Have you ever been to . . . . . . . . British Museum?
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

The definite article ‘the’ is used before some proper nouns – names of places/people that are unique. ‘British museum’ is proper noun.

247. Charlie Chaplin was . . . . . . . . English film actor.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “B” is correct

An is used before a word starting with a vowel or vowel sound.
The blank shall take ‘an’ as it represents one of the English film actors.

248. There is . . . . . . . . large hospital nearby.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “A” is correct

The sentence states the presence of one large hospital nearby. Since there is no particular hospital that is being mentioned, we cannot use the definite article ‘the’. Indefinite article ‘a’ will be used because the word after the blank starts with vowel sound.

249. It was . . . . . . . . honour for Rohan to be . . . . . . . . invited guest on the Golden Jubilee Function of the school.

Option “C” is correct

As ‘honour’ is not specific, we can’t use ‘the’ (Because ‘the’ is definite article).
‘H’ in ‘honour’ is silent and we pronounce the word as – ‘Oner’. Hence, we will use ‘an’ before the vowel sound.
‘Invited’ is an adjective which describes ‘guest’. As the article has to be used before ‘invited guest’ and it is a singular noun, hence we will use ‘an’ (‘invited’ has a vowel sound, so ‘an’ is used).

250. This is . . . . . . . . one-man show.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “A” is correct

Here, ‘man’ is used for a general class of people. Indefinite article will be used. Even though the word ‘one’ begins with the vowel ‘o’, it’s pronounced as ‘won’ and thus has the sound of consonant ‘w’. Thus, we use ‘a’ instead of ‘an’.

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