261. There were twenty tourists and one guide. The guide asked what we wanted to see. I said that I had never seen . . . . . . . . eagle.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “B” is correct

The term ‘eagle’ is used for the first time in the text. So, we are talking about ‘eagle’ in general and not pointing out to a specific eagle here. Hence, indefinite article ‘an’ will be used as ‘eagle’ begins with vowel sound.

262. . . . . . . . . weak and . . . . . . . . strong, . . . . . . . . noble and . . . . . . . . wicked all will meet the same fate.

Option “A” is correct

The words, ‘weak’, ‘strong’, ‘noble’ and ‘wicked’ are adjectives. However, they are also sometimes used as nouns to refer to the entire class of people who are ‘weak’, ‘strong’, ‘noble’ and ‘wicked’ respectively. Hence, the definite article, ‘the’ is used before both these nouns.

263. India will become . . . . . . . . super power shortly.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “A” is correct

Here, it can be figured out that there are other super power in the world. India will become one soon. Hence, indefinite article ‘a’ will be used.

264. What do you have for . . . . . . . . lunch?
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “D” is correct

“no article” will be used because ‘Lunch’ is a meal and we do not use articles before the names of meals.

265. . . . . . . . . sun is very far away from . . . . . . . . earth.

Option “C” is correct

Article “the” will be used because article ‘the’ is used with something unique (The Sun, The Moon, and The Earth).

266. Look at . . . . . . . . apples on that tree! They’re very big.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

Here, the sentence talks about specific ‘apples’ on the tree. Since we are referring to specific apples, we need to use the definite article ‘the’.

267. Let’s go as it is time for . . . . . . . . supper.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “D” is correct

“no article” will be used because ‘supper’ is a meal and we do not use articles before the names of meals.

268. Nisha’s mother gave her . . . . . . . . story book on her birthday.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “A” is correct

Here, ‘book’ is a general class and therefore indefinite article will be used. Word after the blank i.e. ‘story’ starts with consonant sound. ‘A’ article will be used.

269. Delhi is one of . . . . . . . . largest Asian countries.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

Option C is correct as ‘The’ is used with words with superlatives. ‘Largest’ is superlative.

270. I saw . . . . . . . . one-rupee coin lying on . . . . . . . . ground.

Option “A” is correct

Even though the word ‘one’ begins with the vowel ‘o’, it’s pronounced as ‘won’ and thus has the sound of consonant ‘w’. Thus, we use ‘a’ instead of ‘an’. Use ‘a’ article in the first blank. In the second blank, article “the” will be used because article ‘the’ is used to refer to something specific. Here ‘ground’ is specific.

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