81.  . . . . . . . most popular game is cricket, which is called “. . . . . . . . greatest game in . . . . . . . . world” by . . . . . . . . English.

Option “A” is correct

In the first blank, article “the” will be used because ‘most’ is a superlative adjective and article “the” is used with superlative adjectives.(concept)
Similarly, in the second blank, ‘greatest’ is superlative adjective, therefore, article “the” will be used.
In the third blank, article “the” will be used because article “the” is used when there is something only one (the moon, the sun, ‘the world’).
In the fourth blank, English word is representing a specific group of people. Therefore, article “the” will be used.

82. Are you going away next week?’ ‘No, . . . . . . . . week after next.’
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

The definite article ‘the’ is used before specific things/places. The sentence is referring to the specific week after the next.

83. Ice is . . . . . . . . frozen water.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “D” is correct

84.  . . . . . . . Underground is a very convenient way of getting around London.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

Definite article is used with positions, directions, numbers etc. Hence, ‘underground’ will follow ‘the’ article.

85. There was . . . . . . . . piano in . . . . . . . . corner of . . . . . . . . room.

Option “C” is correct

A’ is used before singular nouns used in a general sense. Here, ‘Piano’ is used in a general sense. However, ‘corner’ and ‘room’ are specifically the ones where the piano was kept. Therefore, the correct option is: a; the; the.

86. Washington is situated on . . . . . . . . Potomac River in . . . . . . . . District of Columbia.

Option “D” is correct

In the FIRST blank, article “the” will be used because “Potomac River” is a definite place.
Similarly, article “the” will be used in the SECOND blank because ‘District of Columbia’ is also a “definite place”.

87. This is one of . . . . . . . . most interesting books I have ever read.
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

Option C is correct as ‘The’ is used with words with superlatives. ‘Most’ is superlative.

88. Have you finished reading . . . . . . . . book I lent you?
b. an
c. the

Option “C” is correct

‘The’ is a definite article and is used before specific things/places. The sentence refers to the specific book that was lent.

89. He met with . . . . . . . . accident today.
b. an
c. the

Option “B” is correct

Here, ‘accident’ is a general class and therefore indefinite article will be used. Word after the blank starts with vowel sound. ‘An’ article will be used.

90. Do you enjoy going to . . . . . . . . concerts?
a. a
b. an
c. the

Option “D” is correct

No article is used before uncountable and abstract nouns or plural countable nouns used in a general sense. Here, ‘concerts’ is a plural countable noun used in a general sense.

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