581. The members of Phaeophyceae are commonly called _________ algae.

1. Green
2. Brown
3. Red
4. Yellow

Option “2” is correct
The members of Phaeophyceae are popularly called brown algae. The brown colour of this group of algae is due to the possession of a pigment called fucoxanthin.
582. Asterias (Star fish), Echinus (Sea urchin), Antedon (Sea Lily) are all examples of which Phylum?

1. Echinodermata
2. Annelida
3. Platyhelminthes
4. Arthropoda

Option “1” is correct
Echinoderm is the common name given to any member of the phylum Echinodermata of marine animals. Asterias (Star fish), Echinus (Sea urchin), Antedon (Sea Lily) are all examples of this.
583. Diabetes is caused by –

1. Excess of insulin
2. Low production of Insulin
3. Malfunction of liver
4. Higher production of bilirubin

Option “2” is correct
Diabetes is caused by the immune system destroying the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. This causes diabetes by leaving the body without enough insulin to function normally
584. Tectona grandis Linn is the scientific name of –

1. Guava
2. Teak
3. Amla
4. Chiku

Option “2” is correct

Teak is a tropical hardwood tree of species Tectona grandis linn. The species is placed in the family Lamiaceae. Tectona grandis is a large, deciduous tree that is dominant in mixed hardwood forests. It has small, fragrant white flowers and papery leaves that are often hairy on the lower surface.

585. Sea-Anemones belong to the phylum?

1. Arthropoda
2. Cnidaria
3. Porifera
4. Mollusca

Option “2” is correct
Sea-Anemones belongs to the phylum Cnidaria.
586. Which one of the following is an autotroph?

1. Butterfly
2. Algae
3. Grasshopper
4. Mushroom

Option “2” is correct
An autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals. Algae, which live in water and whose larger forms are known as seaweed, is autotrophic.
587. In B.C.G. Vaccine the word ‘C’ stands for:

1. Calmette
2. Cough
3. Chlorine
4. Cadmium

Option “1” is correct

The acronym BCG stands for Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, a vaccine against tuberculosis and for the treatment of some bladder cancers.

588. Point out the incorrect pair:

1. Green Revolution – Agricultural Development
2. White Revolution – Dairy Development
3. Blue Revolution – Development of Fisheries
4. Operation Flood – Irrigation Development

Option “4” is correct
Operation Flood, launched in 1970 is a project of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), which was the world’s biggest dairy development program.
589. Opposite the micropylar end, is the __________, representing the basal part of the ovule.

1. Hilum
2. Funicle
3. Chalaza
4. Nucellus

Option “3” is correct
In plant ovules, the chalaza is located opposite the micropyle opening of the integuments. It is the tissue where the integuments and nucellus are joined. Nutrients from the plant travel through vascular tissue in the funiculus and outer integument through the chalaza into the nucellus.
590. In unicellular organisms, all functions like digestion, respiration and reproduction are performed by a how many cell(s)?

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

Option “1” is correct
A unicellular organism, also known as a single-celled organism, is an organism that consists of only one cell. The main groups of unicellular organisms are bacteria, archaea, protozoa, unicellular algae, and unicellular fungi. These organisms live together, and each cell in the colony is the same. However, each individual cell must carry out all life processes(digestion, respiration and reproduction etc.) to survive.

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