691. The total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is-

1. 5-6 litres
2. 3-4 litres
3. 8-10 litres
4. 10-12 litres

Option “1” is correct.
Blood is a special connective tissue consisting of a fluid matrix, plasma, and formed elements. The total volume of blood in normal adult human being is 5-6 litres.
692. The process by which blood is purified in human body is called-

1. Dialysis
2. Hemolysis
3. Osmosis
4. Paralysis

Option “1” is correct.
Dialysis is a process for removing waste and excess water from the blood and is used primarily as an artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with kidney failure. Dialysis filters out unwanted and fluids from the blood.
693. Which is the largest gland in the human body?

1. Liver
2. Pancreas
3. Thyroid gland
4. Stomach

Option “1” is correct.
The liver is the largest internal organ and the largest gland in the human body, while thyroid gland is largest endocrine gland in the body. The liver is 25 cm long; 15 cm wide is a reddest brown gland, weighing about 1.5 kg. It plays an active role in the process of digestion of fats, carbohydrate through the production of bile.
694. Itai-Itai disease is caused by chronic poisoning of-

1. Mercury
2. Nickel
3. Cadmium
4. Lead

Option “3” is correct.
Itai-Itai disease is caused by prolonged poisoning of cadmium. The first documented occurrence of mass cadmium poisoning in the world occurred in 1950 in Toyama Prefecture in Japan. However, for the first time, the disease was reported in 1912.
695. Leukemia is a type of cancer in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of :

1. Bone cells
2. Platelets
3. Red blood cells
4. White blood cells

Option “4” is correct.
Leukaemia is a type of cancer that usually begins in the bone marrow and result in a high number of abnormal white blood cells. Symptoms may include bleeding and bruising problems, feeling tired, fever and an increased risk of infection. The diagnosis is typically made by blood tests or bone mar row biopsy.
696.Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
Option “4” is correct.
697. Which one of the following is produced through Viticulture :

1. Silk
2. Earthworm
3. Honey
4. Grapes

Option “4” is correct.
Viticulture is the science, production, and study of grapes.
698. The yellow colour of papaya is due to-

1. Papain
2. Lycopene
3. Caricaxznthin
4. Carotene

Option “3” is correct.
The botanical name of papaya is ‘Carica papaya’. It is rich in carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A. The papain enzyme presented in papaya is helpful in digestion. The yellow colour of papaya is due to present of caricaxznthin.
699. Major component of cotton is-

1. Protein
2. Fatty acid
3. Cellulose
4. Glycerene

Option “3” is correct.
The chemical composition of linseed (cotton) is as follows-
Cellulose – 91.00%
Water – 7.85%.
700. How many chromosomes are there in humans?

1. 36
2. 46
3. 56
4. 26

Option “2” is correct.
In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, a total of 46.

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