821. In which part of the cinchona plant quinine occurs naturally?

1. Root
2. Fruit
3. Seed
4. Bark

Option “4” is correct

Quinine is a major drug used to treat malaria. Quinine is extracted from the bark of Cinchona tree.

822. Which one of the following is considered as a cell within a cell?

1. Ribosome
2. Chloroplast
3. Lysosome
4. Golgi complex

Option “2” is correct

Chloroplast is considered as cell within a cell because it contains its own DNA. Hence, it is a semiautonomous organelle. It helps in photosynthesis.

823. Japanese encephalitis is caused by:

1. Bacteria
2. Virus
3. Parasitic protozoan
4. Fungus

Option “2” is correct

Encephalitis virus is the causing factor of Japanese encephalitis.

824. ‘Anemophily’ is pollination by:

1. Birds
2. Wind
3. Ants
4. Bats

Option “2” is correct
Anemophily or wind pollination is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind.
825. The heat treatment applied to milk to stabilize and to remove disease causing bacteria is called as-

1. Pasteurization
2. Fermentation
3. Coagulation
4. Homogenization

Option “1” is correct
Pasteurization is the heat-treatment process that destroys pathogenic microorganisms in certain foods and beverages. It is named after the French scientist Louis Pasteur. It is used to stabilize and remove disease from milk.
826. The longest bone in the human body is –

1. Ulna
2. Humerus
3. Femur
4. Tibia

Option “3” is correct
The longest bone in the human body is femur.
827. Which of the digestive organs contains gastric acid?

1. Stomach
2. Small intestine
3. Appendix
4. Colon

Option “1” is correct
The stomach, an important organ for digestion, produces gastric juice which is comprised of hydrochloric acid, water and enzymes. Hydrochloric acid works with the main gastric enzyme called pepsin to aid the digestion of protein.
828. Biofertilizers convert nitrogen to _________ .

1. Nitrates
2. Ammonia
3. Nitrogeneous
4. Amino acids

Option “2” is correct
A Bio fertilizer is a substance which contains living microorganisms which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces, or soil, colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. They convert nitrogen to ammonia.
829. Polio is caused by –

1. Bacteria
2. Virus
3. Fungus
4. Protozoa

Option “2” is correct
Poliomyelitis, often called polio or infantile paralysis, is an infectious disease caused by the polio virus.
830. In bio fortification technique plant breeders use breeding to overcome –

1. Loss due to insect pests
2. Decrease in food production
3. Deficiencies of micronutrients and vitamins
4. Loss due to plant diseases

Option “3” is correct
In bio fortification technique plant breeders use breeding to overcome deficiencies of micronutrients and vitamins.

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