861. Flat footed camels can walk easily in sandy deserts because –

1. pressure on the sand is decreased by increasing the area of the surface in contact
2. pressure on the sand is increased by increasing the area of the surface in contact
3. pressure on the sand is decreased by decreasing the area of the surface in contact
4. pressure on the sand is increased by decreasing the area of the surface in contact

Option “1” is correct

Flat footed camels can walk easily in sandy deserts because pressure on the sand is decreased by increasing the area of the surface in contact.

862. Mitochondria was discovered by –

1. Weismann
2. Darwin
3. Lamarck
4. Richard Altman

Option “4” is correct
Richard Altman discovered Mitochondria.
863. The hormone that stimulates heart beat is-

1. Thyroxine
2. Gastrin
3. Glycogen
4. Dopamine

Option “1” is correct
Thyroxine harmone can increase the heart beat, it’s principal function is to stimulate the consumption of oxygen and thus the metabolism of all cells and tissues in the body.
864. The study of relation of animals and plants to their surroundings is called__________

1. Ecology
2. Ethrology
3. Genealogy
4. Iconology

Option “1” is correct

Ecology is the study of the relationships between plants, animals, people, and their environment, and the balances between these relationships.

865. Which cell disorder in our body is responsible for colour blindness?

1. WBC
2. Cone cell
3. Rod Cell
4. Neuron

Option “2” is correct
The retina of the eye has two types of light sensitive cells called rods and cones, both are found in the retina. Rods work in low light conditions to help night vision, but cones work in daylight and are responsible for colour discrimination.
866. Blood is red in colour due to the presence of __________ .

1. Cytochrome
2. Chlorophyll
3. Hemocyanin
4. Haemoglobin

Option “4” is correct
Blood is red in colour due to the presence of Haemoglobin.
867. Which is used as an Air pollution indicator?

1. Algae
2. Fungi
3. Bacteria
4. Lichens

Option “4” is correct
Lichens are widely used as environmental indicators or bio-indicators. Because of their sensitivity lichens are particularly significant biological indicators of air pollution.
868. Insects that transmit diseases are known as –

1. Lichens
2. Vectors
3. Drones
4. Scalars

Option “2” is correct

An insect that transmits a disease is known as a vector, and the disease is referred to as a vector-borne disease.

869. Which is the second largest gland of Human body?

1. Liver
2. Large Intestine
3. Thorax
4. Pancreas

Option “4” is correct
The second largest gland in human body is pancreas.
870.  Some roots, called _________________, arise from an organ other than the radicle.

1. Tap roots
2. Stilt roots
3. Fibrous roots
4. Adventitious roots

Option “4” is correct
Adventitious roots, arise from an organ other than the root—usually a stem, sometimes a leaf. They are especially numerous on underground stems. The formation of adventitious roots makes it possible to vegetative propagate many plants from stem or leaf cuttings.

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