Cloze Test in English : Cloze Test in English Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Cloze Test in English Questions along with previous year Cloze Test in English Questions.

Cloze Test in English is a very important topic for Verbal section. Cloze Test in English has got very high weightage , so Cloze Test in English is on of the most High Scoring Section of Verbal.
We have also provided all different varieties of Cloze Test in English Questions.

Directions:(1-5) From the options given for each blank, select the one that best fits in the blank.

1.Billy Graham, an iconic spiritual advisor who has preached to more people around the world than any other religious leader in history, sees ___(1)____ signs in current events.
“Depression today not only describes the hard economic state of affairs sweeping our world but the human state of mind,” writes Graham. “I see this unfolding ___(2)____ as one of the many storm clouds hovering over a lost and dying world.”
To help people weather today’s economic and cultural climate, Graham has completely revised his book “Storm Warning” which was originally written and published in 1992, in ___(3)___ to the fall of Communism and the Gulf War.
“Trouble brewing in the Middle East especially heightened interest in what the Bible had to say about the end days,” Graham writes. “People began to wonder if there might really be something to the ancient ___(4)____ spoken by God’s prophets, and confirmed by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
This new edition of “Storm Warning” offers Graham’s perspective on the post-9/11 world. “We felt that in light of recent ____(5)____ since 9/11 it might be helpful to reprint the book, bringing it up to date since the turn of the century,” writes Graham’s son, Franklin, in the book’s foreword.

The word used in this blank should be a synonym of ‘caution’. Among the options, the word ‘warning’ best fits the bill. ‘Illusionary’, ‘illustrative’ and ‘competing’ are not applicable in this context. Between ‘urging’ and ‘warning’, ‘warning’ is more suitable. Option b) is the correct answer.

2.Billy Graham, an iconic spiritual advisor who has preached to more people around the world than any other religious leader in history, sees ___(1)____ signs in current events.
“Depression today not only describes the hard economic state of affairs sweeping our world but the human state of mind,” writes Graham. “I see this unfolding ___(2)____ as one of the many storm clouds hovering over a lost and dying world.”
To help people weather today’s economic and cultural climate, Graham has completely revised his book “Storm Warning” which was originally written and published in 1992, in ___(3)___ to the fall of Communism and the Gulf War.
“Trouble brewing in the Middle East especially heightened interest in what the Bible had to say about the end days,” Graham writes. “People began to wonder if there might really be something to the ancient ___(4)____ spoken by God’s prophets, and confirmed by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
This new edition of “Storm Warning” offers Graham’s perspective on the post-9/11 world. “We felt that in light of recent ____(5)____ since 9/11 it might be helpful to reprint the book, bringing it up to date since the turn of the century,” writes Graham’s son, Franklin, in the book’s foreword.

The word used in this blank should mean ‘a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen’. The word ‘phenomenon’ best fits the bill. Option a) is the correct answer.

3.Billy Graham, an iconic spiritual advisor who has preached to more people around the world than any other religious leader in history, sees ___(1)____ signs in current events.
“Depression today not only describes the hard economic state of affairs sweeping our world but the human state of mind,” writes Graham. “I see this unfolding ___(2)____ as one of the many storm clouds hovering over a lost and dying world.”
To help people weather today’s economic and cultural climate, Graham has completely revised his book “Storm Warning” which was originally written and published in 1992, in ___(3)___ to the fall of Communism and the Gulf War.
“Trouble brewing in the Middle East especially heightened interest in what the Bible had to say about the end days,” Graham writes. “People began to wonder if there might really be something to the ancient ___(4)____ spoken by God’s prophets, and confirmed by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
This new edition of “Storm Warning” offers Graham’s perspective on the post-9/11 world. “We felt that in light of recent ____(5)____ since 9/11 it might be helpful to reprint the book, bringing it up to date since the turn of the century,” writes Graham’s son, Franklin, in the book’s foreword.

The word used in this context should mean ‘a reaction to something’. The word ‘response’ is the best word in this context. Though the words ‘reply’ and ‘counter’ have similar meanings, the word ‘response’ is better suited in this context. Option d) is the correct answer.

4.Billy Graham, an iconic spiritual advisor who has preached to more people around the world than any other religious leader in history, sees ___(1)____ signs in current events.
“Depression today not only describes the hard economic state of affairs sweeping our world but the human state of mind,” writes Graham. “I see this unfolding ___(2)____ as one of the many storm clouds hovering over a lost and dying world.”
To help people weather today’s economic and cultural climate, Graham has completely revised his book “Storm Warning” which was originally written and published in 1992, in ___(3)___ to the fall of Communism and the Gulf War.
“Trouble brewing in the Middle East especially heightened interest in what the Bible had to say about the end days,” Graham writes. “People began to wonder if there might really be something to the ancient ___(4)____ spoken by God’s prophets, and confirmed by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
This new edition of “Storm Warning” offers Graham’s perspective on the post-9/11 world. “We felt that in light of recent ____(5)____ since 9/11 it might be helpful to reprint the book, bringing it up to date since the turn of the century,” writes Graham’s son, Franklin, in the book’s foreword.

The word used in this blank should mean ‘a prediction that is likely to happen in the future’. The correct word is ‘prophecies’. The words ‘predictions’ and ‘observations’ do not convey the full meaning. ‘Philosophies’ and ‘calculations’ are not applicable. Option a) is the correct answer.

5.Billy Graham, an iconic spiritual advisor who has preached to more people around the world than any other religious leader in history, sees ___(1)____ signs in current events.
“Depression today not only describes the hard economic state of affairs sweeping our world but the human state of mind,” writes Graham. “I see this unfolding ___(2)____ as one of the many storm clouds hovering over a lost and dying world.”
To help people weather today’s economic and cultural climate, Graham has completely revised his book “Storm Warning” which was originally written and published in 1992, in ___(3)___ to the fall of Communism and the Gulf War.
“Trouble brewing in the Middle East especially heightened interest in what the Bible had to say about the end days,” Graham writes. “People began to wonder if there might really be something to the ancient ___(4)____ spoken by God’s prophets, and confirmed by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
This new edition of “Storm Warning” offers Graham’s perspective on the post-9/11 world. “We felt that in light of recent ____(5)____ since 9/11 it might be helpful to reprint the book, bringing it up to date since the turn of the century,” writes Graham’s son, Franklin, in the book’s foreword.

The word used in this blank should be a synonym of ‘changes’. ‘Achievements’, ‘evolutions’, ‘enlargements’ and ‘engagements’ do not convey the right meaning. ‘Developments’ is the right word in the context. Option e) is the correct answer.

Directions:(6-10)  From the options given for each blank, select the one that best fits in the blank.

6.Now that you have the time and the inclination, you want to add some deeper meaning to your life. You’ve always enjoyed art, so why not make some of your own? The nice people at the art supply store ask pertinent questions and offer to outfit you with the right equipment and ever-ready ______(6)______. You’ll think it over, you say, and go home.

As you consider their words, the idea jells in your mind: you’ll study abstract art! Representational art may be all well and good for the full-time student who wants to pursue it, you say, but your taste runs to abstract art. You think that acrylic paints are the ______(7)______ medium for a traditional canvas painting, and your heart is set on your course. But as in many arenas in the modern world of the 21st century, you turn to the internet and discover that not only are there numerous art websites, but that some of them carry tutorials and instructional videos to help the new aficionado of the genre. Well, that’s just what you were looking for. After visiting the library for a solid, actual book on painting, just to say that you’ve ______(8)______ all outlets, you decide to watch and learn. A beginner’s art video starts you on your way; it actually shows someone painting and talking a viewer through the steps. The right light to work in, the correct method of using acrylic paints and even a hint or two about working in plain air are all on the website. What a good ______(9)______ you have in the field of making art!

Now some time passes. You are no longer a rank beginner, you’ve painted something you are proud of, after a while of earnest practice. You look over the websites and see that you need to further your education. Would an evening class at the local community college be in order? It means stepping out in faith that your basic skills are in place for this venture. You reflect, and say ‘yes’ to the notion. Community college art classes are fun and the instructor teaches you to reach your goals. She is realistic, you are realistic, and by the time the class concludes, you have another piece to hang in your home or even your office at work. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been ______(10)______.

The word in the blank must be a noun because ‘ever-ready’ is an adjective => ‘advise’ can be eliminated.
“The nice people” do positive things => ‘question’ and ‘deceit’ can be eliminated.
They give right equipment and proper guidance => ‘advice’ is the best fit.
=> Option C is the answer.

7.Now that you have the time and the inclination, you want to add some deeper meaning to your life. You’ve always enjoyed art, so why not make some of your own? The nice people at the art supply store ask pertinent questions and offer to outfit you with the right equipment and ever-ready ______(6)______. You’ll think it over, you say, and go home.

As you consider their words, the idea jells in your mind: you’ll study abstract art! Representational art may be all well and good for the full-time student who wants to pursue it, you say, but your taste runs to abstract art. You think that acrylic paints are the ______(7)______ medium for a traditional canvas painting, and your heart is set on your course. But as in many arenas in the modern world of the 21st century, you turn to the internet and discover that not only are there numerous art websites, but that some of them carry tutorials and instructional videos to help the new aficionado of the genre. Well, that’s just what you were looking for. After visiting the library for a solid, actual book on painting, just to say that you’ve ______(8)______ all outlets, you decide to watch and learn. A beginner’s art video starts you on your way; it actually shows someone painting and talking a viewer through the steps. The right light to work in, the correct method of using acrylic paints and even a hint or two about working in plain air are all on the website. What a good ______(9)______ you have in the field of making art!

Now some time passes. You are no longer a rank beginner, you’ve painted something you are proud of, after a while of earnest practice. You look over the websites and see that you need to further your education. Would an evening class at the local community college be in order? It means stepping out in faith that your basic skills are in place for this venture. You reflect, and say ‘yes’ to the notion. Community college art classes are fun and the instructor teaches you to reach your goals. She is realistic, you are realistic, and by the time the class concludes, you have another piece to hang in your home or even your office at work. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been ______(10)______.

According to the sentence, the word in the blank must have a meaning “flawless” or “excellent”.
‘expert medium’ is not correct usage.
Among the given options, ‘perfect’ is the best fit.
=> Option D is the answer.

8.Now that you have the time and the inclination, you want to add some deeper meaning to your life. You’ve always enjoyed art, so why not make some of your own? The nice people at the art supply store ask pertinent questions and offer to outfit you with the right equipment and ever-ready ______(6)______. You’ll think it over, you say, and go home.

As you consider their words, the idea jells in your mind: you’ll study abstract art! Representational art may be all well and good for the full-time student who wants to pursue it, you say, but your taste runs to abstract art. You think that acrylic paints are the ______(7)______ medium for a traditional canvas painting, and your heart is set on your course. But as in many arenas in the modern world of the 21st century, you turn to the internet and discover that not only are there numerous art websites, but that some of them carry tutorials and instructional videos to help the new aficionado of the genre. Well, that’s just what you were looking for. After visiting the library for a solid, actual book on painting, just to say that you’ve ______(8)______ all outlets, you decide to watch and learn. A beginner’s art video starts you on your way; it actually shows someone painting and talking a viewer through the steps. The right light to work in, the correct method of using acrylic paints and even a hint or two about working in plain air are all on the website. What a good ______(9)______ you have in the field of making art!

Now some time passes. You are no longer a rank beginner, you’ve painted something you are proud of, after a while of earnest practice. You look over the websites and see that you need to further your education. Would an evening class at the local community college be in order? It means stepping out in faith that your basic skills are in place for this venture. You reflect, and say ‘yes’ to the notion. Community college art classes are fun and the instructor teaches you to reach your goals. She is realistic, you are realistic, and by the time the class concludes, you have another piece to hang in your home or even your office at work. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been ______(10)______.

According to the sentence, the word in the blank must have a meaning “seek”.
So, options A, C and E can be eliminated.
“Chased all outlets” is not appropriate => Option D can be eliminated.
=> Pursued is the bet fit in the blank.

9.Now that you have the time and the inclination, you want to add some deeper meaning to your life. You’ve always enjoyed art, so why not make some of your own? The nice people at the art supply store ask pertinent questions and offer to outfit you with the right equipment and ever-ready ______(6)______. You’ll think it over, you say, and go home.

As you consider their words, the idea jells in your mind: you’ll study abstract art! Representational art may be all well and good for the full-time student who wants to pursue it, you say, but your taste runs to abstract art. You think that acrylic paints are the ______(7)______ medium for a traditional canvas painting, and your heart is set on your course. But as in many arenas in the modern world of the 21st century, you turn to the internet and discover that not only are there numerous art websites, but that some of them carry tutorials and instructional videos to help the new aficionado of the genre. Well, that’s just what you were looking for. After visiting the library for a solid, actual book on painting, just to say that you’ve ______(8)______ all outlets, you decide to watch and learn. A beginner’s art video starts you on your way; it actually shows someone painting and talking a viewer through the steps. The right light to work in, the correct method of using acrylic paints and even a hint or two about working in plain air are all on the website. What a good ______(9)______ you have in the field of making art!

Now some time passes. You are no longer a rank beginner, you’ve painted something you are proud of, after a while of earnest practice. You look over the websites and see that you need to further your education. Would an evening class at the local community college be in order? It means stepping out in faith that your basic skills are in place for this venture. You reflect, and say ‘yes’ to the notion. Community college art classes are fun and the instructor teaches you to reach your goals. She is realistic, you are realistic, and by the time the class concludes, you have another piece to hang in your home or even your office at work. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been ______(10)______.

The whole second paragraph talks about how should one start off in the field of making art.
So, the correct concluding sentence should be regarding how the inception was.
=> Option B and C can be eliminated.
“birth in the field of making art” is not appropriate => Option A can be eliminated.
Similarly, ‘What a good root you have” is not correct in the context.
=> ‘Beginning’ is the most appropriate word.

10.Now that you have the time and the inclination, you want to add some deeper meaning to your life. You’ve always enjoyed art, so why not make some of your own? The nice people at the art supply store ask pertinent questions and offer to outfit you with the right equipment and ever-ready ______(6)______. You’ll think it over, you say, and go home.

As you consider their words, the idea jells in your mind: you’ll study abstract art! Representational art may be all well and good for the full-time student who wants to pursue it, you say, but your taste runs to abstract art. You think that acrylic paints are the ______(7)______ medium for a traditional canvas painting, and your heart is set on your course. But as in many arenas in the modern world of the 21st century, you turn to the internet and discover that not only are there numerous art websites, but that some of them carry tutorials and instructional videos to help the new aficionado of the genre. Well, that’s just what you were looking for. After visiting the library for a solid, actual book on painting, just to say that you’ve ______(8)______ all outlets, you decide to watch and learn. A beginner’s art video starts you on your way; it actually shows someone painting and talking a viewer through the steps. The right light to work in, the correct method of using acrylic paints and even a hint or two about working in plain air are all on the website. What a good ______(9)______ you have in the field of making art!

Now some time passes. You are no longer a rank beginner, you’ve painted something you are proud of, after a while of earnest practice. You look over the websites and see that you need to further your education. Would an evening class at the local community college be in order? It means stepping out in faith that your basic skills are in place for this venture. You reflect, and say ‘yes’ to the notion. Community college art classes are fun and the instructor teaches you to reach your goals. She is realistic, you are realistic, and by the time the class concludes, you have another piece to hang in your home or even your office at work. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been ______(10)______.

The word ‘but’ in the last sentence changes the flow of the sentence.
In the first part, it has a negative connotation. So, in the second part, it must have a positive connotation.
=> Options B and C can be eliminated.
‘Productivity’ is wrong. The correct form would be ‘productive’.
Cost is not discussed in the passage => ‘inexpensive; is wrong.
=> ‘Rewarding’ has a positive connotation and also it fits in the blank well grammatically.
Hence, option A is the answer.

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