721. Narendra Mandal was inaugurated by Duke of Connaught in the year-

1. 1920
2. 1921
3. 1931
4. 1910

Option “1” is correct.
The Chamber of Princes ( Narendra Mandal) was an institution established in 1921 by a royal proclamation of King-Emperor George V to provide a forum in which the rulers of the princely states of India could voice their needs and aspirations to the colonial government of British India.
722. Montagu who toured in India in 1917 was a-

1. Member of Privy Council
2. Member of Viceroyโ€™s Council
3. Secretary of State for India
4. Viceroy of India

Option “3” is correct.
Edwin Montagu became Secretary of State for India in June 1917. In late 1917, Montagu went to India to meet Lord Chelmsford, the Viceroy of India, and leaders of Indian community, to discuss the introduction of limited self-government to India, and the protection rights of minority communities.
723. A Royal Commission on the Public Service was appointed in the year-

1. 1912
2. 1915
3. 1910
4. 1918

Option “1” is correct.
A comprehensive examination of Indiaโ€™s Civil Service system was undertaken in 1912 when the British Government in London appointed what was called the Royal Commission on the Public Services in India Competitive examination for public recruitment.
724. Al Hilal was a-

1. Mosque
2. Journal
3. Madarsah
4. Garden

Option “2” is correct.
The Al-Hilal was a weekly Urdu language newspaper established by the Indian leader Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and used as a medium for criticism of the British Raj in India. The first issue came out on 13 July 1912. The newspaper also espoused the cause of the Indian independence movement and exhorted Indian Muslims to join the movement.
725. The number of Vedas is-

1. Eight
2. Four
3. Ten
4. Two

Option “2” is correct.
The Vedas are the four holiest books of the Hindu religion are Rigveda , Yajurveda , Samaveda and Atharvaveda.
726. Who was called Zinda Pir in Mughal time?

1. Akbar
2. Jahangir
3. Aurangzeb
4. Shahjahan

Option “3” is correct.
Aurangzeb was called โ€œZinda Pirโ€or โ€œLiving Saint โ€ in Mughal India.
727. The Home Rule League was formed during the-

1. First World War
2. Partition of Bengal
3. Struggle following the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
4. Implementation of Minto-Morley Reforms

Option “1” is correct.
Indian home rule movement began in India in the background of World War I. Many Indian revolutionaries opposed the war, while moderates and liberals backed the war. The issue divided India’s political classes and left the increasing demand for self-government.
728. The Morley-Minto reforms also known as Indian Council Act was passed in ______ during the tenure of Lord Minto.

1. 1910
2. 1909
3. 1919
4. 1918

Option “2” is correct.
The Indian Councils Act 1909 or Morley-Minto Reforms was passed by British Parliament in 1909 in an attempt to widen the scope of legislative councils. It was passed during the tenure of Lord Minto.
729. โ€˜Dyarchyโ€™ in the provincial Government was established by the-

1. Act of 1892
2. Act of 1909
3. Act of 1919
4. Act of 1935

Option “3” is correct.
Dyarchy system of double government introduced by the Government of India Act (1919).
730. With reference to the colonial rule in India, consider the following events:

I. Morley-Minto Reforms Act
II. Transfer of the capital from Calcutta to Delhi
III. First World War
IV. Lucknow Pact

The correct chronological order of these events is :


Option “2” is correct.
Morley-Minto Reforms Act -1909
Transfer of the capital from Calcutta to Delhi-1911
First World War-1914
Lucknow Pact-1916

59 thoughts on “History”

  1. Yes this is really a good app from this app we can learn our history easily

  2. Payal Mohanty

    I have a problem but l have solved this problem thank you very much


    Yes I think this is the best application for SSC aspirants ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  4. Anshuman Sharma

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  5. The topics are very good the app is very useful and important to students this app is very nice

  6. Subham Chakraborty

    History of Bengal and it’s ancient par was not given.

  7. Komal Prasad

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  8. I know this is a very good app but I will be successful in my goals then I will send this app a thanks

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