361. Judicial activism has led to increase in the powers of-

1. The Executive
2. The Legislature
3. The Judiciary
4. All the above organs

Option “3” is correct.
It denotes the ‘proactive’ role played by the judiciary in the protection of the rights of citizens and in the promotion of justice in the society. It implies the ‘assertive’ role played by the judiciary to force the legislature and the executive to discharge their constitutional duties.
362. Which article of the Constitution permits the Supreme Court to review its own judgement or order?

1. Article 130
2. Article 137
3. Article 138
4. Article 139

Option “2” is correct.
Article 137 enables the Supreme Court to review its own judgments, subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament.
363. The Supreme Court propounded the theory of ‘basic structure of the Constitution’ in-

1. Gopalan v. State of Madras case
2. Golak Nath case
3. Keshavananda Bharati case
4. Minerva Mills case

Option “3” is correct.
In Keshavananda Bharati’s case, Supreme Court invoked this doctrine of basic structure. According to it the basic structure of the constitution cannot be altered even by amendments.
364. Chief Minister of a State is responsible to-

1. Governor
2. Legislative Assembly
3. Prime Minister
4. Rajya Sabha

Option “2” is correct.
Article 164 clearly states that the council of ministers is collectively responsible to the Legislative Assembly of the state and it includes Chief Minister of State.
365. Which of the following situation will bring about the collapse of the council of ministers of a state.
1. Resignation by Chief Minister
2. Death of Chief Minister1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both
4. None
Option “3” is correct.
The Chief Minister is the head of the council of ministers, his resignation or death automatically
dissolves the council of ministers.
366. The maximum strength of the elected members in a state legislative assembly can be-

1. 250
2. 300
3. 450
4. 500

Option “4” is correct.
Its maximum strength is fixed at 500 and minimum strength at 60. It means that its strength varies from 60 to 500 depending on the population size of the state.
367. The strength of the legislative council of a state cannot exceed __________ of the membership of the legislative assembly.

1. One-half
2. One-third
3. One-fourth
4. One-fifth

Option “2” is correct.
The maximum strength of the council is fixed at one-third of the total strength of the assembly and the minimum strength is fixed. It means that the size of the council depends on the size of the assembly of the concerned state.
368. The legislative council of a state is-

1. Elected for a term of four years
2. Elected for a term of five years
3. A permanent house, and is not subject to dissolution
4. Elected for a term of six years

Option “3” is correct.
The legislative council is a continuing chamber, that is, it is a permanent body and is not subject to dissolution. But, one-third of its members retire on the expiration of every second year. So, a member continues as such for six years.
369. The chairman of the legislative council is-

1. The governor
2. Elected by the members of legislative council
3. An ex-officio presiding officer
4. Appointed by the speaker of legislative assembly

Option “2” is correct.
The Chairman is elected by the council itself from amongst its members.
370. During the time of Indira Gandhi, what was the number of President’s Rule imposed—

1. 16
2. 50
3. 4
4. 6

Option “2” is correct.
Indira Gandhi tops the chart of Indian Prime Minister’s who imposed the most number of President’s rule upon states. During her tenure as the Indian PM from 1966- 77, and 1980- 84, it was imposed for a total of fifty times.

22 thoughts on “Indian Polity”

  1. Hitangshu Das

    Thanks to you for preparing of knowledge and experience in all vew subject there was many deficulty to understand the many other subjects but I am trying to acknowledge with them now I am just opening few day ago for learning step by step vew most important subjects it’s a powerful of your guidence to help me.

  2. There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
    Update your app with correct answers

  3. There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
    Update your app with correct answers

  4. My name is vinay really thanks for your this is very useful for to me because I write so many competitive exams really this gk is very useful for me to learn so many new gk questions thanks and make so many new questions in this app
    Thankyou bro👍👍👍👍👍👊👏👏👌👌

  5. Avinash Wasnik

    Rajasthan is the first state to implement panchayat raj but 73 amendment 1992 implementation is Madhya Pradesh

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