1. three Zonal Councils
2. four Zonal Councils
3. five Zonal Councils
4. six Zonal Councils
Option “D” is correct The idea of creation of Zonal Councils was first of all mooted by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1956. The zonal councils have been established by the state reorganization act 1956 to advise on matters of common interest. In India, at present, there are 6 Zonal Council. Originally five councils were created as per the States Reorganization Act 1956 as follows.
542. The main objective of the Zonal Councils is to ensure
1. greater cooperation amongst states in the field of planning and other matters of national importance
2. that the laws passed by various states do not conflict with each other
3. better utilisation of the limited resources of the states
4. all the above
Option “A” is correct The Zonal Councils are the statutory bodies. They are established by anAct of the Parliament, that is, States Reorganisation Act of 1956. The act divided the country into six zones (Northern, Central, Eastern, Western and Southern) and provided a zonal council for each zone. Main objective of the Zonal Councils is to ensure cooperation between states.
543. Who is the ex-officio Chairman of a Zonal Council?
1. the Union home minister
2. the Governor of the state where the Zonal Council meets
3. the Union Minister associated with the Zonal Council
4. None of these
Option “A” is correct The chairman of the Zonal council is Union Home Minister and Chief Ministers of the States included in each zone act as Vice-Chairman of the Zonal Council for that zone by rotation, each holding office for a period of one year at a time.
544. If a financial emergency is declared, what is its impact on the relations between the Centre and the state?
1. The President can reduce the salaries of all the statesβ servants except the judges of High Courts.
2. The President can reduce the salaries of state civil servants including those of the judges of High Courts.
3. The state legislatures are deprived of the right to enact Money Bills.
4. None of the above.
Option “B” is correct While the proclamation of financial emergency (under Article 360) is inoperation, the Centre can give directions to the states: (i) to observe the specified canons of financialpropriety; (ii) to reduce the salaries and allowances of all class of persons serving in the state(including the high court judges); and (iii) to reserve all money bills and other financial bills for theconsideration of the President.
545. Which among the following factors are responsible for increasing control of the Centre over the states in India?
1.lack of strong leadership in the states
2.enforcement of party discipline
3.economic dependence of the states on the Centre
4.emergence of regional parties
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:1. 1, 2 and 3
2. 2, 3 and 4
3. 1, 2 and 4
4. all the above
Option “A” is correct lack of strong leadership in the states, enforcement of party discipline, economic dependence of the states on the Centre are responsible for increasing control of the Centre over the states in India.
546. Which of the following machineries is most likely to be effective in solving inter-state disputes?
1. Central Council of Health and Local Self-Government
2. Finance Commission and Planning Commission
3. Zonal Councils and meetings between ministers and chief ministers of states
4. Inter-State Council, as recommended by the Administrative Reforms Commission
Option “D” is correct Inter State council is a constitutional body set up on the basis of provisions in Article 263 of the Constitution of India by a Presidential Order dated 28th May, 1990 on recommendation of Sarkaria Commission. Article 263 of the Constitution envisages establishment of an institutional mechanism to facilitate coordination of policies and their implementation between the Union and the State Governments.
547. The Central Government gives grants-in-aid to the states out of the Consolidated Fund of India on the basis of the recommendations of
1. the Planning Commission
2. the Union Finance Minister
3. the Finance Commission
4. None of the above
Option “C” is correct Article 280 provides for a Finance Commission as a quasi-judicial body. It is constituted by the President every fifth year or even earlier.The distribution of the net proceeds of taxes to be shared between the Centre and the states and the allocation between the states, the respective shares of such proceeds.
548. The following is the centralising features of the Indian federalism
1. single citizenship
2. decentralisation of powers
3. dual polity
4. none of the above
Option “A” is correct In India Single citizenship has two effects one You cannot have citizenship of another country If you are a citizen of India,you cannot simultaneously be a citizen of another country and another is there is no citizenship according to state.
549. Which of the following statements correctly depicts the true nature of the Indian Federal System?
1. the Indian federation is more a functional than an institutional concept
2. a one-dominant-party regime which is in conflict with the principle of federalism
3. the Indian federation is not the result of an agreement between the units
4. it is a unitary state with subsidiary federal features rather than a federal state with subsidiary unitary features
Option “D” is correct Governments have been classified into Unitary and Federal based on distribution of power between national and regional governments. In a federal set up there is a two tier of Government with well assigned powers and functions.
550. Two or more Zonal Councils can hold joint meetings. Such meetings are presided over by the
1. Chairman of the Planning Commission
2. Prime Minister
3. Union Home Minister
4. the seniormost governor of the member states
Option “C” is correct A zonal council consists of a Union Minister nominated by the President, the Chief Ministers of all the states constituting the zone, two other ministers from each state, two representatives of the union territories, if there is a union territory in the zone.
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Ravi Kumar
There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
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Ravi Kumar
There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
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There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
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There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
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