771. Generally, the High Court of a state consists of a Chief Justice and

1. Nine other judges
2. 11 other judges
3. 15 other judges
4. Such other judges as may be determined by the President

Option “4” is correct
Every high court consists of a chief justice and such other judges as the president may from time to time deem necessary to appoint. Thus, the Constitution does not specify the strength of a high court and leaves it to the discretion of the president.
772. Administrative Tribunal is related with which article-

1. Article – 356
2. Article – 249
3. Article – 339
4. Article- 323

Option “4” is correct
Tribunals were added in the Constitution by Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976 as Part XIV-A, which has only two articles viz. 323-A and 323-B. While article 323-A deals with Administrative Tribunals; article 323-B deals with tribunals for other matters.
773. For the Union Territories that do not have legislative assemblies, laws are passed by

1. The Union Ministry
2. The President of India
3. The Parliament
4. The Administrator of the respective Union Territories

Option “3” is correct
The Parliament can make laws on any subject of the three lists (including the State List) for the union
territories. This power of Parliament also extends to Puducherry and Delhi, which have their own
local legislatures.
774. The minimum age limit for the membership of the Vidhan Parishad is _____.

1. 21 years
2. 25 years
3. 30 years
4. 35 years

Option “3” is correct
Article 171 of the constitution of India defines the composition of the councils. The minimum age to become member of vidhan parishad is 30 years.
775. Republic means ultimate power is held by –

1. The monarch
2. The people
3. The winning party
4. Ministers

Option “2” is correct
Republic means a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

776. Which of the following subjects was transferred by the 42nd amendment of 1976 from the state list to the concurrent list?

1. Health
2. Education
3. Irrigation
4. All the above

Option “2” is correct
The Constitution provides for a three-fold distribution of legislative subjects between the Centre and the states, viz., List-I (the Union List), List-II (the State List) and List-III (the Concurrent List) in the Seventh Schedule. The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 transferred five subjects to Concurrent List from State List, education is one of them.
777. The portfolios to the various members of the council of ministers in a state are allocated by-

1. The Governor
2. The Chief Minister
3. The Speaker of legislative assembly
4. The Governor on the advice of the Chief Minister

Option “4” is correct
The other ministers are appointed by the governor on the advice of the chief minister. This means that the governor can appoint only those persons asministers who are recommended by the chief minister.
778. The salaries and allowances of the members of the council of ministers in a state are determined by-

1. The state legislature
2. The Governor in consultation with President
3. The Parliament
4. The Governor in consultation with the state legislature.

Option “1” is correct
The salaries and allowances of ministers are determined by the state legislature from time to time.
779. Members of the state legislature can focus the attention of the government on matters of public importance through

1. No-confidence motion
2. Censure motion
3. Cut motion
4. Adjournment motion

Option “4” is correct
The primary object of an adjournment motion is to draw the attention of house to a recent matter of urgent public importance having serious consequences and in regard to which a motion or a resolution with proper notice will be too late.
780. Which Amendment of the Constitution relates to Anti-defection Law?

1. 51st
2. 52st
3. 53st
4. 54st

Option “2” is correct
The 52nd amendment to the Constitution added the Tenth Schedule which laid down the process by which legislators may be disqualified on grounds of defection.

22 thoughts on “Indian Polity”

  1. Hitangshu Das

    Thanks to you for preparing of knowledge and experience in all vew subject there was many deficulty to understand the many other subjects but I am trying to acknowledge with them now I am just opening few day ago for learning step by step vew most important subjects it’s a powerful of your guidence to help me.

  2. There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
    Update your app with correct answers

  3. There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
    Update your app with correct answers

  4. My name is vinay really thanks for your this is very useful for to me because I write so many competitive exams really this gk is very useful for me to learn so many new gk questions thanks and make so many new questions in this app
    Thankyou broπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  5. Avinash Wasnik

    Rajasthan is the first state to implement panchayat raj but 73 amendment 1992 implementation is Madhya Pradesh

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