811. Under which Constitutional Article review of Judgments or orders lies with the Supreme Court—

1. Article 139
2. Article 137
3. Article 140
4. Article 141

Option “2” is correct
Article 137 of Constitution of India – Review of judgments or orders by the Supreme Court Subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament or any rules made under Article 145, the Supreme Court shall have power to review any judgment pronounced or order made by it.
812. Among the following judges of the Supreme Court, who was the first judge against whom impeachment process starts?

1. Justice HR Khanna
2. Justice Ramaswami
3. Justice Wanchoo
4. Justice Hidayatullah

Option “2” is correct
V Ramaswami was the judge of the Supreme Court of India and the first judge against whom removal proceedings were initiated in independent India.
813. As per John Locke, an English philosopher and physician, which is not a Natural Right?

1. Liberty
2. Equality
3. Property
4. Right to Vote

Option “4” is correct

As per John Locke, Right to Life, Liberty and Property are Natural Right. But Right to vote is a not a natural right.

814. How many seats are reserved for representatives of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Lok Sabha?

1. 39
2. 85
3. 109
4. 131

Option “4” is correct
131 seats are reserved for representatives of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Lok Sabha.
815. The States Reorganization Act, 1956, divided the entire country into-

1. 22 states and 9 union territories
2. 14 states and 6 union territories
3. 17 states and 7 union territories
4. Four categories of states

Option “2” is correct
The States Reorganization Act was passed by parliament in November 1956. It provided for fourteen states and six centrally administered territories.
816. The Central Government gives grants-in-aid to the states out of the Consolidated Fund of India on the basis of the recommendations of-

1. The Planning Commission
2. The Union Finance Minister
3. The Finance Commission
4. None of the above

Option “3” is correct
Article 280 provides for a Finance Commission as a quasi-judicial body. It is constituted by the President every fifth year or even earlier. The distribution of the net proceeds of taxes to be shared between the Centre and the states and the allocation between the states, the respective shares of such proceeds are based on recommendation of Finance Commission.
817. The entire country has been divided into-

1. Three Zonal Councils
2. Four Zonal Councils
3. Five Zonal Councils
4. Six Zonal Councils

Option “4” is correct
The Zonal Councils are the statutory bodies. They are established by an Act of the Parliament, that is, States Reorganisation Act of 1956. In India, at present, there are 6 Zonal Council. Originally five councils were created as per the States Reorganization Act 1956. Main objective of the Zonal Councils is to ensure cooperation between states.
818. The maximum strength of the elected members in a state legislative assembly can be-

1. 250
2. 300
3. 450
4. 500

Option “4” is correct
State Legislative Assembly(Vidhan Sabha) is the lower house in state legislature. Strength minimum and maximum is- not more than 500 and not less than 60 members..
819. The strength of the legislative council of a state cannot exceed __________ of the membership of the legislative assembly.

1. one-half
2. one-third
3. one-fourth
4. one-fifth

Option “2” is correct
One sixth of its membership is nominated by the Governor. Remaining members are elected by the local governing bodies among the persons who have excelled in Science, Arts, Social service and other activities. The size of Vidhan Parishad (Legislative Council) cannot be more than one-third the membership of Vidhan Sabha.
820. The legislative council of a state is-

1. Elected for a term of four years
2. Elected for a term of five years
3. A permanent house, and is not subject to dissolution
4. Elected for a term of six years

Option “3” is correct
The Legislative Council like the Council of States is a permanent chamber, not subject to dissolution. The members are elected for a period of six years and like Rajya Sabha one-third of members retire every second year. The Legislative Council elects its Chairman and Deputy Chairman from amongst its members.

22 thoughts on “Indian Polity”

  1. Hitangshu Das

    Thanks to you for preparing of knowledge and experience in all vew subject there was many deficulty to understand the many other subjects but I am trying to acknowledge with them now I am just opening few day ago for learning step by step vew most important subjects it’s a powerful of your guidence to help me.

  2. There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
    Update your app with correct answers

  3. There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
    Update your app with correct answers

  4. My name is vinay really thanks for your this is very useful for to me because I write so many competitive exams really this gk is very useful for me to learn so many new gk questions thanks and make so many new questions in this app
    Thankyou bro👍👍👍👍👍👊👏👏👌👌

  5. Avinash Wasnik

    Rajasthan is the first state to implement panchayat raj but 73 amendment 1992 implementation is Madhya Pradesh

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