871. The Estimates Committee of Parliament has how many members –

1. 35
2. 30
3. 25
4. 20

Option “2” is correct
872. The following is the centralising features of the Indian federalism-

1. Single citizenship
2. Decentralisation of powers
3. Dual polity
4. None of the above

Option “1” is correct
In India Single citizenship has two effects one You cannot have citizenship of another country If you are a citizen of India,you cannot simultaneously be a citizen of another country and there is no citizenship according to state.
873. Which of the following is in the concurrent list?

1. Population control and family planning
2. Public health and sanitation
3. Capitation taxes
4. Treasure trove

Option “1” is correct
The Concurrent List or List-III (Seventh Schedule) is a list of 52 items given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. On these item both state and centre can make laws.
874. Who enacts the laws for those Union Territories which do not have Legislative Assembly?

1. The Chief Administrative Officer of the territory
2. The Parliament
3. The President
4. Union Home Minister

Option “2” is correct
The Union Territories are administered by the President through an administrator, who is appointed by him with a suitable designation. Power to decide the structure of administration in the UT is vested in Parliament. Parliament was empowered to create a legislature or council of ministers or both for a Union Territory via Constitution.
875. Zonal Councils were provided under-

1. The original Constitution
2. The State Reorganisation Act, 1956
3. The 42nd Amendment
4. 44th Amendment

Option “2” is correct
The idea of creation of Zonal Councils was first of all mooted by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1956. The zonal councils have been established by the state reorganization act 1956 to advise on matters of common interest to each of the five zones, into which the territory of India has been divided.
876. Under Article 365 what are the duties of the Union Government with respect to State Governments—

1. Ensure that every State Minister should act in accordance with the advice of Chief Minister
2. Ensure that Governor acts under advice of the Chief Minister
3. Ensure that Governance in the State is in accordance with the Constitution
4. All of the above

Option “3” is correct
When any State has failed to comply with, or to give effect to, any directions given in the exercise of the executive power of the Union under any of the provisions of this Constitution, it shall be lawful for the President to hold that a situation has arisen in which the Government of the State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
877. Which of the following enjoys Constitutional authority to decide the share of the states in the taxes?

1. The Union Finance Minister
2. The Finance Commission
3. The Planning Commission
4. The Union Cabinet in consultation with the President

Option “2” is correct
Article 280 provides for a Finance Commission as a quasi-judicial body. It is constituted by the President every fifth year or even earlier.The distribution of the net proceeds of taxes to be shared between the Centre and the states and the allocation between the states, the respective shares of such proceeds.
878. Which of the following is in the concurrent list?

1. Population control and family planning
2. Public health and sanitation
3. Capitation taxes
4. Treasure trove

Option “1” is correct
The Concurrent List or List-III (Seventh Schedule) is a list of 52 items given in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. On these item both state and centre can make laws.
879. Who has said that basic features of the Indian Constitution do not amount to a change—

1. Prime Minister
2. Parliament
3. Supreme Court of India
4. Government

Option “3” is correct
The Supreme Court recognised the conceptof basic structure for the first time in the historic Kesavananda Bharati case in 1973 and parliament cannot amend the basic structure of constitution.
880. Which Constitutional Article was very much affected in the Supreme Court Judgement of Kesavanand Bharti vs. State of Kerala?

1. Article 352
2. Article 368
3. Article 351
4. Article 342

Option “2” is correct
The Supreme Court recognised the conceptof basic structure for the first time in the historic Kesavananda Bharati case in 1973 and parliament cannot amend the basic structure of constitution.It restrict the amending power of constitution.

22 thoughts on “Indian Polity”

  1. Hitangshu Das

    Thanks to you for preparing of knowledge and experience in all vew subject there was many deficulty to understand the many other subjects but I am trying to acknowledge with them now I am just opening few day ago for learning step by step vew most important subjects it’s a powerful of your guidence to help me.

  2. There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
    Update your app with correct answers

  3. There are mistakes in your answers question no. 80 of Political Science you have mentioned Madhya Pradesh whereas correct answer is Rajasthan
    Update your app with correct answers

  4. My name is vinay really thanks for your this is very useful for to me because I write so many competitive exams really this gk is very useful for me to learn so many new gk questions thanks and make so many new questions in this app
    Thankyou bro👍👍👍👍👍👊👏👏👌👌

  5. Avinash Wasnik

    Rajasthan is the first state to implement panchayat raj but 73 amendment 1992 implementation is Madhya Pradesh

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