41. According to popular belief, which city got submerged with the creation of Wular lake in its place?
b. Praversenpura
c. Jambudweep
d. Dharanagri

Option “A” is correct.
The Pandava rule is believed to end with the occurrence of a powerful earthquake that submerged the ancient city of Sandimat Nagar with the submergence of Sandimat Nagar, the place became hollow and Wular lake was created at that place.
42. Which among the following was the founder of Karkota Dynasty?
a. Lalitaditya
b. Durlabhavardhana
c. Kanishka

Option “B” is correct.
Karkota Dynasty was founded by Durlabhvardhana in 598 AD.
43. The Turushka kings, mentioned by Kalhana in his book was-
a. Hushka
b. Jushka
c. Kanishka

Option “D” is correct.
Kushan (Turushka) Dynasty was ruled by three Kushana rulers. According to Kalhana’s account, these three rulers were Kanishka, Hushka and Jushka.
44. The city of Kanishkapura was built by-
b. Nagarjuna
c. Kanishka
d. Vasugupta

Option “C” is correct.
It is understood from Kalhana’s Rajatarangini that Kanishka built many monasteries, chaityas and other monuments in the Kashmir valley. He founded a city named Kanishkapura in Kashmir which place is still known as Kanispore and is situated near Baramula.
45. Which of the following states were conquered by Lalitaditya?
a. Punjab
b. Ladakh
c. Kannauj

Option “D” is correct.
Lalitaditya conquered many regions in Asia and India i.e. Punjab, Kannauj, Tibet, Ladakh, Badakshan, Iran, Bihar, Gauda (Bengal), Kalinga (Odisha), South India, Gujarat, Malwa, Marwar and Sindh. He also reduced the power of Arabs in Sindh.
46. Which of the following rules is known as the darkest period in the history of Jammu and Kashmir?

Option “B” is correct.
Afghan rule was established in the state in 1762 and continued till 1819. The 67 years of Afghan rule is known as the Darkest period in the history of Kashmir. The subedars (Governors) showed cruelty towards their people. People began to be looted by Afghan soldiers, they were not even safe in their houses.
47. Kashyap Mar representing modern day Kashmir is found in which ancient scripture?
a. Rajatarangini
b. Rajadarshini

Option “C” is correct.
The name ‘Kashmir’ first got its mention in Nilmata Purana as Kashyap Mar or Kashyap Pura. According to Purana, the valley was a huge lake called Satisara. It was drained out by Rishi Kashyap on whose name the entire valley got its name. In Brahit Samhita, Kashmir is mentioned as Kashmiras.
48. The Neolithic Skull has been found at which place, which reveals that people of that period knew about the surgical practice of human trepanation?
a. Burzahom
c. Pampur
d. Gofkral

Option “A” is correct.
A neolithic skull has also been found at Burzahom. The skull has a hole dug into it due to which historians suggest that surgical practices may have taken place.
49. The earliest archaeological site of India is-
a. Begagund
b. Gofkral
c. Pampur
d. Burzahom

Option “D” is correct.
Burzahom is situated near Srinagar and contains many stone tools, pebbles, dwelling places and deep pits. It is the oldest archaeological site in India.
50. The 4th Buddhist Council was held where in Kashmir?
a. Hushkapura
c. Pandrethen
d. Jushkapura

Option “B” is correct.
According to historians, the 4th Buddhist Council was held by Kanishka at Kundalvana (Harwan) in Kashmir.
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