Directions (1-10): In each of the following questions some statements are followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements.

1. Statements:
All Copper is Metal
Some Metal is Plate
No Metal is Diamond
I) No Plate is Copper
II) No Copper is Diamond

2. Statements:
Some Phone is Vivo
Some Vivo is Oppo
No Oppo is Sony
I) Some Phone is Oppo
II) No Vivo is Sony

3. Statement:
All Chair is Watch
No Chair is Table
All Table is Wood
I) All Chair is Wood is Possibility
II) Some Wood is Chair

4. Statement:
No Phone is Pen
No Pen is Pipe|
Some Pen is Light
I. Some Light are Pipe
II. Some Light are Phone

5. Statement:
All Hills are Mountains
No Falls is Hills
All Falls are River
I. Some Hills are not River
II. Some Mountain are Falls is a possibility

6. Statement:
Some Chocolate are Dairy Milk
All Munch are Kitkat
All Kitkat are DairyMilk
I. Some Munch being Chocolate is a possibility
II. Some Dairy Milk is Munch

7. Statement:
No Water is Solid
All Water are Gas
All Greece are Gas
I. Some Gas are not Greece
II. Some Gas are not Solid

8. Statement:
Some Blue are Black
Some Black are Red
No Black is White
I. Some White are Blue
II. No White is Blue

9. Statements:
Some Trees are Flowers
No Flower is Fruits
I. All trees are Fruits
II. Some trees are not Fruits

10. Statements:
All TVS are Honda
Some Honda are Mahindra
No Mahindra are Ford
I. Some Honda are not Ford
II. No TVS is Ford

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