Active and Passive Voice Questions

1. Rabindranath Tagore wrote the ‘Gitanjali’.

Option”A” is correct

The ‘Gitanjali’ was written by Rabindranath Tagore.

Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in active voice, we need to change it into passive voice.

Rule :
Subject + (was / were) + V3 + Optional Agents.

2. All vulnerable places are kept under constant vigil by the Policemen.

Option”A” is correct

The Policemen keep all vulnerable places under constant vigil.

Given sentence is in simple present tense and it is in passive voice.

Rule :
Subject + V1 + Other agents

3. The thieves victimise the innocent commoners.

Option”C” is correct

The innocent commoners are victimised by the thieves.

Given sentence is in simple present tense and it is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + (is/am/are) + V3 + Other agents

4. The boys were playing cricket.

Option”D” is correct

Cricket was being played by the boys.

Given sentence is in past continuous tense and it is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + (was/were) + being + V3 + Other agents

5. We should not encourage indiscipline.

Option”B” is correct

Indiscipline should not be encouraged by us.

The given sentence contains one of Model verb (Model Verb = will, shall, can, may, might, could, might, must, would). It is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + Model verb + be + V3 + Optional Objects.

6. The novels of Tolstoy interest me.

Option”C” is correct

I am interested in the novels of Tolstoy.

Given sentence is in simple present tense and it is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + (is/am/are) + V3 + Other agents

7. He completed the story on time.

Option”B” is correct

The story was completed by him on time.

Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in active voice, we need to change it into passive voice.

Rule :
Subject + (was / were) + V3 + Optional Agents.

8. Deforestation has reduced rainfall in the tropical lands.

Option”D” is correct

Rainfall has been reduced in the tropical lands due to deforestation.

Given sentence is in present perfect tense and it is in active voice.

Rule :
Subject + (has/have) + been + V3 + Other agents

9.Someone saw him picking up a gun.

Option”B” is correct

He was seen picking up a gun by someone.

Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in active voice, we need to change it into passive voice.

Rule :
Subject + (was / were) + V3 + Optional Agents.

10. The poet read his long poem himself.

Option”A” is correct

The long poem was read by the poet himself.

Given sentence is in simple past tense and it is in active voice, we need to change it into passive voice.

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