1. If the height of a cylinder is increased by 15% and the radius of its base is decreased by 10% then the percentage change in its curved surface area is :

Ans: 2

2. The cost of manufacture of a tape recorder is Rs. 1,500. The manufacturer fixes the marked price 20% above the cost of manufacture and allows a discount in such a way as to get a profit of 8%. The rate of discount is

Ans: 4

3. The average of 8 numbers is 20. The average of first two numbers is  and that of the next three is If the sixth number be less than the seventh and eighth numbers by 4 and 7 respectively, then the eighth number is :

Ans: 3

4.  A box contains 1-rupee, 50-paise and 25-paise coins in the ratio 8 : 5 : 3. If the total amount of money in the box is Rs. 112.50, the number of 50-paise coins is

Ans: 2

5. A, B, and C jointly start a business A puts in Rs. 15,000 for 8 months B puts in Rs. 12,000 for 9 months and C puts in Rs. 8,000, for the whole year. In the end of the year there is a profit of Rs. 10,800. The difference between A’s share and C share in the profit will be:


6. A money-lender borrows money at 4% per annum and pays the interest at the end of the year. He lends it at 6% per annum compound interest compounded half yearly and receives the interest at the end of the year. In this way, he gain Rs. 104.50 a year. The amount of money he borrows, is:

Ans: 3

7. A can do a piece of work in 8 days which B can destroy in 3 days. A has worked for 6 days, during the last 2 days of which B has been destroying. How many days must A now work alone to complete the work?

Ans:  2

8. A can go round a circular path 8 times in 40 minutes. If the diameter of the circle is increased to 10 times the original diameter, the time required by A to go round the new path once travelling at the same speed as before is:

Ans:  3

9. A man rides at the rate of 18 km/hr, but stops for 6 minutes to change horses at the end of every 7 km. The time that he will take to cover a distance of 90 km is

Ans:  2

10. A number of friends decided to go on picnic and planned to spend Rs. 108 on eatables. Three of them however did not turn up. As a consequence each one of the remaining had to contribute Rs. 3 extra. The number of them who attended the picnic was:

Ans: 3

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