Fill in the Blanks : Fill in the Blanks Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Fill in the Blanks Questions along with previous year Fill in the Blanks Questions.

Fill in the Blanks is a very important topic of Verbal section. Phrase Replacement are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We have also provided all different varieties of Fill in the Blanks Questions.

Directions:(1-5) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option.


1.  She has been such a consistent bad performer as a student, that her friends regard her as ________.

The sentence has to do with the intelligence and knowledge of a student so ‘imbecile’ is the best option as it means ‘someone who is dull headed or not intelligent’. Thus option 1 is the correct answer.The other options don’t fit as:

Stringent=> Strict

Gregarious=> Social and open or friendly

Dwindled=>diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength.

Platonic=>Devoid of physical desire.


2. The warmth of Mr smith’s greeting each morning may be _______ as an excellent barometer of his health.

The sentence is saying that Mr Smith’s way of greeting the morning can be interpreted as the barometer of his health. The only option in line with this is ‘Construed’. Thus option 2 is the correct answer and the others can be ruled out as they are irrelevant.


3. A group of Indian fighter pilots known as the Black Mamba has the _______of never having lost any of the bombers it escorted on mission over Berlin in the last war.

The only correct answer is ‘Distinction’ means ‘excellence that sets someone or something apart from others.’ Thus option 3 is the correct answer. The other options don’t fit as:

Rancor=>bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long standing.

Potential=>latent capacity

Onus=> something that is one’s duty or responsibility.

Honour=>high respect; great esteem and it is regarded to someone and not something .

Hence, these options are ruled out.


4. Scientists have discovered that our sense of smell is surprisingly ______, capable of distinguishing hundreds of odours.

Sharp will not be the answer as it is less appropriate than ‘keen’. ‘Keen’ fits well as itself means ‘sharp and penetrating’ that goes well with the context. Thus option 5 is the correct answer. The other options are irrelevant as ‘Rigid’ means ‘firm or strict’ , ‘vacuous’ means ‘dull or empty headed’ and ‘erratic’ means ‘not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.’


5. A leader young or old ,must inspire others and have character traits that must display courage, wisdom and _______.

‘Integrity’ is the  best option and it inspires others and is also in line with the other adjectives. It means ‘the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.’ Thus option 4 is the correct answer. The other options don’t fit as:

Intelligence=>the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Brevity=>concise and exact use of words in writing or speech.

Animosity=>strong hostility.

Timorousness =>showing or suffering from nervousness or a lack of confidence.


Directions:(6-10) Each sentence has two blanks. Choose the option that best fits in the blank.
6. She _______ doing menial tasks, and she did them in a _______ manner.
Option 3 is the only correct answer as loathed means ‘feel intense dislike or disgust’ which goes very well with the second part ‘Slovenly’ which means ‘careless or excessively casual.’ Thus option 3 is the correct answer. The other options don’t fit in as :

No one ‘supports’ ‘menial’ or tedious tasks

‘Prefers’ tiring or monotonous tasks

‘Earn’ sounds erroneous here and ‘parsimonious’ means ‘very unwilling to spend money or use resources.’


7. To swim in the swimming pool without supervision is a ________ _________.

Option 2 is the best answer. ‘Infringement’ means ‘breaking of rules or laws’. So ‘legal’ ‘infringement’ is not a correct term to be used. So we can rule out option 1 and 5. To swim without supervision cannot be an ‘observance’ so we rule out option 3. ‘Encroachment’ means ‘a gradual advance beyond usual or acceptable limits.’ So we rule out option 4. The only option that follows is 2.  ‘Flagrant’ mean ‘an offensive action’ and infraction means ‘a violation of law or breaking of law or something.’ Thus option 2 is the correct answer.


8. Rima announced that, because the company is financially hard-pressed,______ at all levels is _______.

Option 1 is the best fit here as ‘austerity’ means ‘sternness or severity of manner or attitude’ and is quite expected or ‘demanded or ‘urged’ in such financial matter or crisis. The other options are irrelevant as:

‘Prodigality’ means ‘excessive or extravagant spending’ which is impossible during such crisis.

Bankruptcy is a state of being bankrupt or ‘the state of being completely lacking money or something‘

‘Sacrifice’ sounds erroneous here and has no role.


9. The ______raised _____hopes.

The challenge lies in differentiating between ‘delusion’ and ‘illusion’ .A ‘delusion’ is ‘a false belief’ so it cannot give rise to any hope whereas an ‘illusion’ is ‘a false impression’ which can give rise to a hope or a belief which might prove to be false. Thus option 2 is the correct answer. The word ‘illusive’ is irrelevant here as it means ‘deceptive.’


10. The victorious army went on a ______of the conquered city and _______it.

Option 2 is the only correct choice as it matches with the sentence perfectly to say that a victorious army ‘rampaged’ i.e. ‘rushed wildly or violently about’ a city and ‘pillaged’ i.e. ‘plundered’ (especially in a war) it. Thus option 2 is the correct answer. The other options are irrelevant as:

‘Harness’ means ‘to make use of something’ also means ‘a set of straps and fittings by which a horse or other draught animal is fastened to a cart, plough, etc. and is controlled by its driver.’

‘Map’ and ‘tour’ sounds erroneous in this context as the former is a diagrammatic representation of a geographical area. And the later means ‘a journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited.’

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