Fill in the Blanks : Fill in the Blanks Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Fill in the Blanks Questions along with previous year Fill in the Blanks Questions.

Fill in the Blanks is a very important topic of Verbal section. Phrase Replacement are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We have also provided all different varieties of Fill in the Blanks Questions.

Directions:(1-5) Each question below has two blanks. There are five pairs of words below the sentence. Each pair is lettered. Choose the pair of words which can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same order so as to complete the sentences meaningfully.


1. Before the_______, the library was typically where you would find ________readers.

The most suitable set of words to fill the blanks to make the sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful is “Internet, scholarly”. Hence, option (d) is the most viable answer choice.
Commotion- confusion
Scholarly- having or showing great knowledge or learning.
Soothing- having a gently calming effect.


2. Neville, the British prime minister during WWII, tried to ______Hitler and in doing so sent a clear_______: you can walk all over us.

The most suitable set of words to fill the blanks to make the sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful is “Appease, message”. Hence, option (e) is the most viable answer choice.
Appease- pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.
Torture- inflict severe pain on.
Opaque- not able to be seen through; not transparent
Implicit- suggested though not directly expressed


3. The judge was not _________since he had been ______by the witness’s family.

The most suitable set of words to fill the blanks to make the sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful is “Impartial, bribed”. Hence, option (c) is the most viable answer choice.
Impartial- treating all rivals or disputants equally
Baffle- totally bewilder or perplex
Stimulus- a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue
Wreck- the destruction of a ship at sea; a shipwreck
Trivial- of little value or importance


4. Russian oligarchs are famous for their________, living in fancy homes and dining in _________restaurants.

The most suitable set of words to fill the blanks to make the sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful is “Opulence, expensive”. Hence, option (b) is the most viable answer choice.
Opulence- great wealth or luxuriousness
Prey- an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.
Revolt-take violent action against an established government or ruler; rebel


5. The unpredictable and _______nature of déjà vu makes it very difficult _________to study properly.

The most suitable set of words to fill the blanks to make the sentence grammatically correct and contextually meaningful is “Transient, phenomenon”. Hence, option (a) is the most viable answer choice.
Transient-lasting only for a short time; impermanent
Phenomenon-a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question.


Directions:(6-10) Each question below has one blank, which is indicating that something has been omitted. Find out which option can be used to fill up the blank in the sentence in the same sequence to make it meaningfully complete.


6. Personal and professional _______________ sometimes conflict.
Option (d) is the most suitable choice to be filled in the blank. Confliction can only happen in ethics.
Rest all of the options do not fit in the blank.
Prevalence means commonness, generality.
Defense means the action of defending from or resisting attack.


7. The party would make a pleasant _____________ in his rather dull social life.

The most suitable option to be filled in the blank is option (d) i.e. diversion. From a dull social life , diversion would mean the action of turning something aside from its course.
Obstruction means a thing that impedes or prevents passage or progress; an obstacle or blockage.
Alienation means the state or experience of being alienated , isolation.
Distraction means a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.
Deliberation means long and careful consideration or discussion, contemplation.


8. She knew that society would ______________ her for leaving her children.

The most appropriate option to be filled in the blank is option (b).For leaving children , society would condemn a lady which means express complete disapproval of; censure.
Contrast means dissimilarity.
Exhaust means make someone feel very tired.


9. Priya appeared to be in a _______________mood and was deep in thought.

The most suitable option to be filled in the blank is option (e) i.e. introspective which means self- examining.
Tuning means telling something to someone.
Engaging means participating or becoming involved in .
Destructive means causing great and irreparable damage.


10. All the respondents should express their _______________views in this questionnaire.

Only option (b) fits appropriately in the blank. Rest all of the options are irrelevant.
Forthright means candid, outspoken.
Critically (adverb) means in a way that expresses disapproval.
Attacked means criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly.

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