101. If the number of females is 16.66% of the number of males. 90% females and 30% of males are educated. If the number of uneducated males is 12,300 more than that of uneducated females what is the total population?
यदि महिलाओं की संख्या पुरुषों की संख्या का 16.66% है। 90% महिलाएं और 30% पुरुष शिक्षित हैं। यदि अशिक्षित पुरुषों की संख्या अशिक्षित महिलाओं की तुलना में 12,300 अधिक है, तो कुल जनसंख्या क्या है?
Option “A” is correct.
Let the number of males 600x.
∴ The number of females will be 100x.
∴ Total population = 600x + 100x = 700x
The number of educated females = 100x × 90/100 = 90x
∴ The number of uneducated females = 100x – 90x = 10x
The number of educated males = 600x × 30/100 = 180x
∴ The number of uneducated males = 600x – 180x = 420x
According to the questions
⇒ 420x – 10x = 12,300
⇒ x = 30
∴ Total population = 30 × 700 = 21,000
102. A company’s CEO discusses the fund allocation with the CFO. This year the fund for new product development has increased by one third of the fund allocated last year. Last year, Rs. 20,00,000 were allotted for various activities including product development that amounts to 30% of the activities. How much money is the CFO allocating for product development this year?
एक कंपनी का सीईओ सीएफओ के साथ निधि आवंटन पर चर्चा करता है। इस वर्ष नए उत्पाद विकास की निधि पिछले वर्ष आवंटित निधि से एक तिहाई से बढ़ी है। पिछले वर्ष, उत्पाद विकास (product development), जो कि सभी गतिविधियों का 30% हिस्सेदारी रखता है सहित विभिन्न गतिविधियों के लिए 20,00,000 रु. आवंटित किए गए थे। इस वर्ष सीएफओ उत्पाद विकास के लिए कितने पैसे आवंटित कर रहा है?
Option “A” is correct.
Total allotted fund last year was = Rs. 20,00,000
Allotted fund for development last year was = Rs. 20,00,000 × (30/100) = 6,00,000
Allotted fund for development for current year is = 60,00,00 × (4/3) = Rs. 8,00,000
103. If 96% of A = 33.33% of B, then A : B = ?
यदि A का 96% = B का 33.33%, तो A : B = ?
Option “B” is correct.
96% of A = 33.3% of B
Formula used:
If, x% × A = y% × B
Then, A/B = y/x
33.33% can be written as 1/3
96% of A = (1/3) of B
(96 × A)/100 = 1/3 × B
A/B = 100/(96 × 3)
A/B = 25/72
∴ A : B = 25: 72
104. If the word PHOTOGRAPH is spelled with ‘F’ in place of ‘PH’, then what would be the percentage reduction in the number of letters?
यदि शब्द PHOTOGRAPH को ‘PH’ की जगह ‘F’ से लिखा जाये, तो अक्षरों की संख्या में प्रतिशत कमी क्या होगी?
Option “A” is correct.
Total word in PHOTOGRAPH is = 10
If PH is replaced by F, then the total word in FOTOGRAF is = 8
Required percentage = [(10 – 8)/10] × 100 = 20%
Mistake Point:
PHOTOGRAPH has two PH hence both will be replaced by F, so total alphabet left = 8
105. A is 40% more than B and B is 60% less than C. If C is 60% more than D, then which of the following is true?
A, B से 40% अधिक है और B, C से 60% कम है। यदि C, D से 60% अधिक है तो निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा सत्य है?
Option “B” is correct.
A = 40% more than B
B = 60% less than C
C = 60% more than D
Formula used:-
% of value = (Value/Total value) × 100
Suppose D = 100
C = 100 × 160/100 = 160
B = 160 × 40/100 = 64
A = 64 × 140/100 = 89.6
B is less than D by (100 – 64)/100 × 100 =36%
106. There are 1550 boys and girls in a school. The number of girls exceeds the number of boys by 500. What is the percentage (to the nearest integer) of girls in the school?
एक स्कूल में 1550 लड़के और लड़कियां हैं। लड़कियों की संख्या, लड़कों की संख्या से 500 अधिक है। स्कूल में लड़कियों का प्रतिशत (निकटतम पूर्णांक) क्या है?
Option “B” is correct.
Let the total number of boys in the school be x, then
Number of girls in the school = x + 500
According to the question
x + x + 500 = 1550
2x = 1550 – 500
x = 1050/2
x = 525
Number girls = 525 + 500 = 1025
Percentage of girls in the school = [1025/1550] × 100 = 66%
107. The total marks for a subject in an examination was 200. It had three components- theory, practical and project, the percentage weightages for the first and the third being 50 and 10 respectively. One of the criteria to pass the examination was to secure at least 60%, in practical. A student secured 42 in practical. How much percentage of the total marks should be given to him as grace so that he passes to exam?
एक परीक्षा में एक विषय के लिए कुल अंक 200 थे। इसके तीन घटक थे- थ्योरी, प्रैक्टिकल और प्रोजेक्ट, पहले और तीसरे के लिए प्रतिशत भारिता क्रमशः 50 और 10। परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण करने के लिए एक मानदंड प्रैक्टिकल में कम से कम 60% प्राप्त करना था। एक छात्र ने प्रैक्टिकल में 42 अंक हासिल किए। कुल अंकों का कितना प्रतिशत उसे अनुग्रह के रूप में दिया जाना चाहिए ताकि वह परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करे?
Number of weightage for practical = 200 × (40/100) = 80
Required pass marks to pass in practical = 80 × (60/100) = 48
Student gets in practical = 42 marks
Required numbers of grace to pass in the practical = 48 – 42 = 6
∴ Required percentage = (6/200) × 100 = 3%
108. A report consists of 30 sheets and each sheet consists of 50 lines and each such line consist of 55 characters. This report is reduced into sheets each of 60 lines such that each line consists of 65 characters. Find the approx. percentage reduction in the number of sheets.
30 शीट वाले एक रिपोर्ट के प्रत्येक शीट में 50 पंक्तियां शामिल हैं और ऐसी प्रत्येक पंक्तियों में 55 अक्षर हैं। इस रिपोर्ट के शीटों को कम कर दिया जाता है जिससे प्रत्येक में 60 पंक्तियां इस प्रकार हैं कि जिससे प्रत्येक पंक्ति में 65 अक्षर मौजूद है। तो शीटों की संख्या में लगभग प्रतिशत कमी ज्ञात कीजिए।
Option “D” is correct.
The initial report consists of 30 sheets, each sheet consists of 50 lines and each line consists of 55 characters
Final report has 60 lines and 65 characters in one line in one sheet
In this type of question, first, we try to find the total number of characters in the report then we find the number of sheets required in the final report.
Formula used:
Total number of characters in report = Number of sheets × Number of lines in one sheet × Number of character in one line
Total number of characters in the initial report = 30 × 50 × 55
Total number of characters in the final report in one sheet = 60 × 65
Number of sheets required in final report = (30 × 50 × 55) ÷ (60 × 65) = 275 ÷ 13 = 21.15
So after 21 sheet 1 more sheet will be required to complete the report as few words left (i.e 0.15)
⇒ Total sheet required = 21 + 1 = 22
So the number of sheets reduced by (30 – 22) = 8
∴ The percentage reduction in the number of sheet = (8/30) × 100 = 26.67%
109. The price of an article X increases by 20% every year and price of article Y increases by 10% every year. In the year 2010, the price of article X was Rs. 5000 and price of article Y was Rs. 2000. In which year the difference in their prices exceeded Rs. 5000 for the first time?
एक वस्तु X का मूल्य प्रत्येक वर्ष 20% बढ़ जाता है और वस्तु Y का मूल्य प्रत्येक वर्ष 10% बढ़ जाता है। वर्ष 2010 में, वस्तु X का मूल्य 5000 रुपये था और वस्तु Y का मूल्य 2000 रुपये था। किस वर्ष उनके मूल्यों में अंतर पहली बार 5000 रुपये से अधिक था?
Option “B” is correct.
In the year 2010, the price of article X was Rs. 5000 and price of article Y was Rs. 2000.
And, the price of article X increases by 20% every year and price of article Y increases by 10% every year.
Phile istra Appalachian rahta to kab ka selection ho jata
Reasoning ka section hindi me karao jaldi
Very interesting topic, thank you for posting.Raise blog range
Excellent question .. Thanks 👍
Very helpful thankyou so much for this application 🤗