11. P is 25% less efficient than Q. In what ratio should their wages be shared?

P की दक्षता Q से 25% कम है। उनकी मज़दूरी को किस अनुपात में साझा किया जाना चाहिए?

Option “C” is correct.

Let efficiency of Q be 100

Efficiency of P = 100 × (75/100) = 75

Ratio of efficiency of P and Q = 75 : 100 = 3 : 4

12. The price of sugar is increased by 20% By what percentage must one cut down on the consumption of sugar so that no extra amount has to be incurred on sugar?

चीनी की कीमत में 20% की वृद्धि होती है, चीनी की खपत में कितने प्रतिशत की कटौती की जानी चाहिए ताकि चीनी पर कोई अतिरिक्त राशि खर्च न हो?

Option “A” is correct.

Let the price of the sugar be Rs. 5

Increased price of sugar = 5 × (6/5) = Rs. 6

Ratio of the price of sugar before to increased = 5 : 6

As we know,

Consumption is inversely proportional to price.

Ratio of consumption of price before to after = 6 : 5

∴ Required percentage = (6 – 5)/6 × 100 = 16.66%

13. An army lost 10% of its men in war, 10% of the remaining died due to disease and 10% of the rest were declared disabled. Thus the strength of the army was reduced to 7,29,000 active men. The original strength of the army was

एक सेना ने युद्ध में अपने 10% लोगों को खो दिया, शेष लोगो के 10% बीमारी के कारण मर गये और शेष के 10% विकलांग घोषित किये गये। इस प्रकार सक्रिय पुरुषों की सेना की संख्या 7,29,000 हो गई। सेना की मूल संख्या क्या थी

Option “B” is correct.

Let the total number of men in an army be x, then

⇒ x × (9/10) × (9/10) × (9/10) = 729000

⇒ x × 729/1000 = 729000

⇒ x = 1000000

14. By what number must a given number be multiplied to increase the number by 25%.

दी गयी एक संख्या को 25% बढ़ाने के लिए संख्या को किस संख्या से गुणा किया जाना चाहिए। 

Option “D” is correct.


Let the number be x.

After increasing by 25%,

New number = x + (x × 25%)

⇒ x + (x/4)

⇒ 5x/4

∴ The number should be multiplied by 5/4.

15. A garment seller offers a discount of 30% on a shirt. In order to restore the original value of shirt, its price must be increased by what percent?

एक कपड़ा विक्रेता एक शर्ट पर 30% की छूट प्रदान करता है। शर्ट के मूल मूल्य को पुनः प्राप्त करने के लिए, इसकी कीमत में कितने प्रतिशत की वृद्धि होनी चाहिए?

Option “C” is correct.

Let initial price of shirt be 100

Price of shirt after discount of 30% = 100 × (70/100) = 70

In order to restore original value of shirt, price to be increased by 30 on discounted price of 70

∴ Percentage increase = (30/70) × 100 = 42.85%

16. If 40% of 2/5 of a number is 24, then the number is:

यदि किसी संख्या का 2/5 का 40% 24 है, तो संख्या है:

Option “A” is correct.


40% of 2/5 of a number is 24


Let the number be x

⇒ 40% of 2/5 of x = 24

⇒ x × 40/100 × 2/5 = 24

⇒ x = 24 × 25/4

⇒ x = 150

17. The price of an article is increased by 100%. If the shopkeeper does not want to increase his expenditure on the article, then, find out the ratio between the reduction in consumption and the original consumption. 

एक वस्तु के मूल्य में 100% की वृद्धि की जाती है। यदि दुकानदार वस्तु पर अपने व्यय को बढ़ाना नहीं चाहता है। तो, खपत में गिरावट और मूल खपत के बीच अनुपात ज्ञात कीजिए।

Option “D” is correct.


Percentage of increase in price = 100%


Percentage of reduction in consumption = [(100/200) × 100]% = 50%

∴ Ratio of percentage of reduction in consumption and the original consumption = (50%/100%) = 1 : 2

18. If A is 20% less than B, then what will be the value of (2B – A) / A

यदि A, B से 20% कम है, तो (2B – A) / A का मान क्या होगा?

Option “B” is correct.


A = 80% of B


A = (4 / 5) of B

⇒ A / B = 4 / 5

Let the value of A be 4x and B be 5x

So, (2B – A) / A = ((2 × 5x) – 4x) / 4x

⇒ (2B – A) / A = 6x / 4x

∴ (2B – A) / A = 3 / 2

19. In an examination, a student secured 28% marks and failed by 15 marks and another student secured 35% marks and got 27 marks more than the minimum marks to pass. The maximum marks in the examination are: 

एक परीक्षा में, एक छात्र ने 28% अंक प्राप्त किए और 15 अंकों से अनुत्तीर्ण हो गया और दूसरे छात्र ने 35% अंक प्राप्त किए और उत्तीर्ण होने के लिए न्यूनतम अंक से 27 अंक अधिक प्राप्त किए। परीक्षा में अधिकतम अंक क्या हैं? 

Option “B” is correct.


1st student scored 28% marks and failed by 15 marks

2nd student scored 35% marks and got 27 marks more than passing marks


Let maximum marks in the examination be x and passing marks be y

For student 1st = x × (28/100) + 15 = y     —-(i)

For student 2nd = x × (35/100) – 27 = y      —-(ii)

From (i) and (ii)

⇒ x × (28/100) + 15 = x × (35/100) – 27

⇒ 0.28x + 15 = 0.35x – 27

⇒ 0.07x = 42

⇒ x = 600

∴ The maximum marks in the examination is 600

Tips and Tricks:

Maximum marks = (100 × Sum of marks)/Difference in percentage of marks

⇒ 100 × (15 + 27)/(35 – 28)

⇒ 100 × 42/7

⇒ 600

∴ The maximum marks in the examination is 600

20. If 56% of a number is equal to 112 then calculate 40% of that number.

यदि एक संख्या के 56% का मान 112 के बराबर है, तो उस संख्या के 40% का मान ज्ञात कीजिये।

Option “C” is correct.


Let the number be x

According to question,

(56/100) × x = 112

⇒ x = 200

Now, 40% of the number

⇒ (40/100) × 200 = 80

∴ 40% of the number is 80

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