Phrase Replacement : Phrase Replacement Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Phrase Replacement Questions along with previous year Phrase Replacement Questions.

Phrase Replacement is a very important topic of Verbal section. Phrase Replacement are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We have also provided all different varieties of Phrase Replacement Questions.

Direction(1-10):In the given sentences, a word/phrase is highlighted in bold. You need to find the best idiom that can, both contextually and grammatically, replace the highlighted part, and mark that as your answer.


1. I completely understand that he has made a severe mistake, but please allow him some leverage.

If you ‘eat your words’, you have to admit that what you said before was wrong. ‘Be my guest’ is used to give someone permission to do something. A person who is ‘barking up the wrong tree’ is doing the wrong thing, because his beliefs or ideas are incorrect or mistaken. If you relax a rule, treat a person less severely or allow someone to do something which is normally not permitted, you ‘cut them some slack’. Going by contextual understanding, option D will be the most appropriate answer.


2. You know you have no control over the outcome, so you can just be done with it, and then think of your next step.

If you bite the bullet, you accept something unpleasant because you cannot avoid it. Someone who has a lot at stake is in a risky situation, with a lot to be won or lost. If someone is in a class of their own, they are unequalled and considered better than anyone else of their kind. Something which is hard and fast is inflexible or cannot be altered. Apart from option A, none of the other idioms can grammatically fit in the sentence. Hence, option A will be the most obvious choice


3. The situation has gotten out of control, and we need to call an expert to handle it now.

At this stage of the game refers to the current point reached in a process, activity or developing situation. The term in essence means ‘basically’, fundamentally’ or ‘essentially’ and refers to the most important or essential facts. To say that two people are birds of the same feather means that they are very similar in many ways. When something is difficult to accept or believe, it is hard to swallow. From a grammatical sense, only options B & D will fit in. From a contextual sense, neither the passage talks about any facts nor it considers something difficult to believe. Hence, option E will be the correct answer.


4. I have been continuously working from the morning today, and after this last step, I’ll be done with it.

If you give someone a hard time, you annoy them or make things difficult for them. Call it a day refers to deciding or agreeing to stop doing something. If you throw or toss your hat in the ring, you announce that you are going to enter a competition or take up a challenge. If you talk about the big picture, you refer to the overall situation, or the project as a whole rather than the details. Neither option A nor option D can grammatically fit in here. From the contextual sense, the sentence does not talk about any competition or challenge, negating option C. Hence, option B will be the correct answer.


5. Rishi was so tired yesterday that as soon as he stepped into his house, he fell on his bed.

A person who breaks the ice is someone who does or says something to make people relax in an uncomfortable situation. To refer to something as a piece of cake means that you consider it to be very easy. When you hit the hay (or hit the sack), you go to bed. Something that is hard to come by is rare or difficult to find. Neither option B nor option D can grammatically fit in here. Being tired perfectly co-relates to going to bed, which is what the meaning of option C is. Hence, option C will be the correct answer.


6. The police chased the men for three hours, but at last, they managed to give them the slip.

Ans: 1
Escape – get away. Forbade – disallowed. Reciprocate – respond. The phrase ‘give (one) the slip’ means to get away or escape. A is the right answer.


7. Every winter, the temperature used to drop to below freezing point, and she would drive around town, handing out warm clothes to the homeless.

Yield – produce. Distribute – give out. Snatch – take away forcefully. Converse – talk. The phrase ‘hand out’ means to distribute or give out. B is the right answer.


8. Please recheck your application forms to ensure that none of the fields have been left out.

Demote – move someone to a lower rank. Permit – allow. Omit – exclude. Interfere – prevent (a process or activity) from continuing or being carried out properly. The phrase ‘leave out’ means to exclude or omit. C is the right answer.


9. I do not want any of our team members to let down the team captain, who has put in a lot of efforts.

Evade – avoid. Obstruct – prevent. Espouse – promote. The phrase ‘let down’ means to disappoint, which makes D the right answer.


10. I am eagerly looking forward to next year, when I will go on a world tour with my family.

Hope – wish for something. Await – wait excitedly for something. Thwart – foil a plan. Pervade – spread through something. The phrase ‘look forward to (something)’ means to eagerly wait for something. B is the right answer.

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