Phrase Replacement : Phrase Replacement Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Phrase Replacement Questions along with previous year Phrase Replacement Questions.

Phrase Replacement is a very important topic of Verbal section. Phrase Replacement are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We have also provided all different varieties of Phrase Replacement Questions.

Direction(1-10):Which of the following phrases (I), (II), and (III) given below each sentenceshould replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct?Choose the best option among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase inthe context of the grammatically correct sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e.,“No correction required” as the answer.


1. If you will disobey the Lord, your God and do not faithfully keep all the commands and laws that the priest is giving you today, all these evil things will happen to you.
[I] If you disobey the Lord
[II] Have you disobeying the Lord
[III] If you keep disobeying the Lord

Ans: 4
Only first and the third expression can be used to replace the phrase given in bold so as to make the sentence grammatically correct and comprehensible. If the sentence is in future tense the main clause of the sentence which is “all these evil things will happen to you” should consist the verb “will”. However, the subordinate clause of the sentence which is “If you will disobey the Lord” containing the grammatical error as when two events of future are described in a single sentence only the main clause shall be in future tense, while the subordinate clause shall be in simple present tense. Hence, option (d) is the correct choice.


2. People who do not bother for the welfare of others should not entrusted with any social activity.
[I] not be entrusted with
[II] be entrust not with
[III] not be entrust with

The correct phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct is “not to be entrusted with”. It should be noted that in the given sentence before “not entrusted” “should” has been mentioned. If a sentence is in active voice, the first form of verb (V1) is used after “should”. However, if a sentence is in the passive voice, after “should” be+V3 (third form of verb) is used to make the sentence grammatically correct. Here, the sentence is in the passive voice therefore the appropriate grammatical syntax required is “be+V3” form. Thus, the correct answer choice is option (a).


3. They have estimated that transportation fees was increased by 10-20 per cent due to the sharp increase in petrol prices.
[I] could be increased by
[II] might be increased by
[III] were increased by

All three expressions can be used to substitute the phrase given in bold. It is to be noted that the phrase given in bold comprise of an error of subject verb agreement. As the subject “transportation fees” is in plural form the verb associated to it should also be plural i.e., instead of “was”, “were” should be used. In addition to “were increased by” other two expressions also make the sentence grammatically correct. Hence, option (d) is the correct choice.


4. What is I do not understand is how he failed in the examination, even after burning the midnight oil.
[I] is that I don’t understand is
[II] I do not understand is
[III] is I don’t understand

Read the sentence carefully, it can be well verified that the given sentence is grammatically incorrect
as there is an error in the highlighted part of the sentence which needs to be replaced by a correct and
meaningful expression. Among the given three expressions only second expression provides the correct contextual and grammatical meaning to the sentence. “is I don’t understand is” should be replaced with “I don’t understand is” because the verb for “what” here is “understand” and the “is” present after “understand” is auxiliary verb. Therefore, the “is” present after “what” is superfluous and thus creating an error in the syntax of the sentence. Hence, option (b) is the correct choice.


5. We were aware of certain frailties that were exposed in the course of Parliament’s approval of the Barroso II Commission.
[I] had aware of
[II] were aware for
[III] are aware for

The given phrase in bold is already correct and doesn’t require any further corrections. The phrase perfectly fits into the grammatical syntax of the sentence. However, all the given expressions fail to make the sentence correct. Therefore, option (e) is the most suitable choice.


6. In the Union Budget 2018, the Finance Minister asked governments putting in place adequate procedures to purchase the excess solar power from farmers.
(I)to put in place adequate procedures
(II)to put up in place adequate procedures
(III)to be ready with adequate procedures

Read the sentence carefully, it can be well verified that the given sentence is grammatically incorrect as there is an error in the highlighted part of the sentence which needs to be replaced by a correct and meaningful expression. Among the three options, the first and the third expressions provide a contextual meaning to the sentence. They both make sure that the sentence follows the correct grammar structure and the intended meaning of the sentence remains intact. However, the second expression is not befitting to the sentence as the phrasal verb “ put up” cannot be used in this case. The verb “ put up” means stay temporarily in accommodation other than one’s own home. While the phrasal verb “ put in” means to spend a particular amount of time doing something, or to make a particular amount of effort in order to do something. Hence option (b) is the correct choice.


7. The 12-digit biometric Aadhaar number will be made mandatory for existing, obtaining and renewing driving licences.
(I)has to be made a mandatory
(II)could have been made mandatory
(III)should make mandatory

The expression “ will be made mandatory” is the correct expression and it also adds a meaningful sense to the sentence. It is to be noted that the sentence is in Passive form and the expressions given as options do not fit into the sentence as they are both grammatically incorrect and contextually meaningless. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.


8. Even though lowering the allocation of surface water, the Supreme Court has ruled that a minimum of 10 tmc ft of groundwater is available in the Cauvery delta for safe use by Tamil Nadu.
(I)While lowering the allocation of surface water
(II)Despite allocating surface water
(III)Allocating the lower surface water

The correct phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct is “ While lowering the allocation of surface water”. It is to be noted that the conjunction ‘ while’ connects the sentence appropriately as it means during the time that; at the same time as. Among the three options, only the first expression provides the correct structure that fits perfectly into the sentence. The other two cannot be used as they are not fitting to the correct grammar syntax. Hence option (a) is the correct choice.


9. The chief feature of the “republican” governments was their public assembly (santhagara) attended by the representatives of the tribes and the heads of the families and preside over by one of the representative called the raja or senapati.
(I)watched over by one of the representatives
(II)presided over by one of the representatives
(III)supervised by one of the representatives

All the above expressions can be used to replace the existing phrase to make the sentence grammatically correct and logically meaningful. It is to be noted that the expression “ preside over by one of the representative” is incorrect as it doesn’t follow the correct grammar structure. It should be replaced by “ presided over by one of the representatives” to make the sentence grammatically correct. The noun or a pronoun used after the phrase “ one of the” is always in the plural form (as we are talking of one person/place/thing out of many). The phrasal verb “ preside over” means to be in a position of power while important changes or events are happening. Thus, all the given expressions give the similar meaning to the sentence. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.


10. A thorough qualitative and quantitative estimation of the new jobs the EV sector will create would go a long way in negating apprehensions and securing the pathway for EV technology and use.
(I)will have to go long way to negate apprehensions
(II)would be negated apprehensively
(III)should be going a long way for negating apprehensions

The expression “ would go a long way in negating apprehensions” is the correct expression and it also adds a meaningful sense to the sentence. The phrase “ go a long way” means if you say that someone will go a long way, you think they will be successful in their life or career. The expressions given as options do not fit into the sentence as they are both grammatically incorrect and contextually meaningless. Hence option (e) is the correct choice.

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