Phrase Replacement : Phrase Replacement Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Phrase Replacement Questions along with previous year Phrase Replacement Questions.

Phrase Replacement is a very important topic of Verbal section. Phrase Replacement are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We have also provided all different varieties of Phrase Replacement Questions.

Direction(1-10): In the given question, an idiom/phrase has been printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative that best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.


1. He will cast away his money just as he has done in the past.

Ans: 2
He verb phrase ‘cast away’ often interchangeable with ‘cast aside’ means ‘to throw away’. ‘Squander’ means ‘to spend or use (money, time, etc.) wastefully’. Hence the correct answer is B.


2. He was on the run for two years.

Ans: 3
The idiom ‘on the run’ means ‘to escape or stay hidden from police and concerned authorities’. Hence the correct answer is C.


3. If the stock-holders like the idea, we’ll run with it.

Ans: 4
The verb phrase ‘run with something’ is generally used in informal speaking situations where it means ‘to proceed or go ahead with, generally with enthusiasm.’ Hence, the correct answer is D.


4. My watch has run down.

Ans: 3
The verb phrase ‘run down’ has various meanings. The meaning most suitable in this situation is ‘to cease operation’ or ‘to stop’. Hence, the correct answer is C.


5. The spring stock came to hand last week.

Ans: 4
The idiom ‘come to hand’ means to be received or arrive. Hence, the correct answer is D.


6. She won the championship hands down.

Ans: 1
The idiom ‘hands down’ should not be confused with the verb phrase ‘hand down’. ‘Hand down’ means ‘to deliver’ or ‘to bequeath to posterity’. But the idiom used here is ‘hands down’, which means ‘indisputably’ or incontestably’. Hence, the correct answer is A.


7. He can’t understand it for the life of him.

Ans: 4
The idiom ‘for the life of one’ means as hard as one tries, even with the utmost effort. Hence the correct answer is D.


8. The society flats needed a makeover, so the residents moved to the relatives.

Ans: 5
Makeover means ‘to give a different appearance’. This has not been mentioned in the options, so the correct response is option E.


9. I will go abroad after I will finish my studies.

Ans: 4
‘finish’ is the correct use in place of ‘will finish’ as for any fixed programme of future, simple present tense is used.
Ex. I will call you when dinner is ready.


10. The player was asked that why he had not attended the prayer.

Ans: 4
‘why he had not’ will be used in place of ‘that why he had not’ as if subordinate clause starts with interrogative words (who, whom, whose, why, which, what, where, when) with indirect question, then ‘that’ or ‘as to’ is not used before interrogative words.

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