181. Ratio of income of companies A and B is 3:2 and the ratio of expenditure of companies A and B is 8:7 respectively. If the savings of company A is Rs.4000 more than that of company B and the expenditure of company A is Rs.8000, then find the income of company B?

कंपनियों A और B की आय का अनुपात 3:2 है और कंपनियों A और B के व्यय का अनुपात क्रमशः 8:7 है। यदि कंपनी A की बचत, कंपनी B की बचत से 4000 रुपये अधिक है और कंपनी A का व्यय 8000 रुपये है, तो कंपनी B की आय ज्ञात कीजिए?

A. Rs.10000
B. Rs.15000
C. Rs.12000
D. Rs.18000
E. None of these

Option “A” is correct.

Income of company A=3x

Income of company B=2x

Expenditure of company A=8000

Expenditure of company A=8000*7/8=7000




Income of company B=2*5000=Rs.10000

182. Ratio of the income of A and B is 5:3 respectively and the expenditure of A is Rs.1200 more than that of B. If the saving of A is Rs.1500 out of the total savings of A and B together is Rs.2400, then find the income of B?

A और B की आय का अनुपात क्रमशः 5:3 है और A का व्यय B की तुलना में 1200 रुपये अधिक है। यदि A और B की कुल बचत 2400 रुपये में से A की बचत 1500 रुपये है, तो B की आय ज्ञात कीजिए?

A. Rs.3600
B. Rs.4200
C. Rs.2700
D. Rs.4500
E. None of these

माना A की आय =5x

और B की आय =3x

A का व्यय =y+1200

B का व्यय =y

5x-(y+1200)=1500 —- (1)

3x-y=900 — (2)







B की आय =3*900=2700 रुपये

183. Ratio of the income of Vivek and Vinesh is 5: 3 and the ratio of the expenditure of Vivek and Vinesh is 3: 2. If the savings of Vivek and Vinesh is Rs.3200 and Rs.1800 respectively, then what is the difference between the income Vivek and Vinesh?

विवेक और विनेश की आय का अनुपात 5: 3 है तथा विवेक और विनेश के व्यय का अनुपात 3: 2 है। यदि विवेक और विनेश की बचत क्रमशः 3200 रुपये और 1800 रुपये है, तो विवेक और विनेश की आय के बीच में क्या अंतर है?

A. Rs.500
B. Rs.1000
C. Rs.1500
D. Rs.2000
E. None of these

Option “D” is correct.

(5x – 3200)/(3x – 1800) = 3/2

9x – 5400 = 10x – 6400

x = 1000

Difference of income = 5x – 3x = 2x = 2 * 1000 = Rs.2000

184. Ratio of the income to savings of Naveen is 19:7. If his expenditure is increased by 16.67% and then the income also is increased by 25%, now there is an increase of Rs.1100 in the savings, then find the increased income of Naveen?

नवीन की आय से बचत का अनुपात 19:7 है। यदि उसके व्यय में 16.67% की वृद्धि होती है और आय में भी 25% की वृद्धि होती है, अब बचत में 1100 रुपये की वृद्धि हुई है, तो नवीन की बढ़ी हुई आय ज्ञात कीजिए?

A. Rs.9500
B. Rs.3800
C. Rs.4750
D. Rs.6650
E. None of these

Option “A” is correct.

The income of Naveen=19x

The expenditure of Naveen=19x-7x=12x

The savings of Naveen=7x

The increased income of Naveen=19x*125/100=95x/4

The increased expenditure of Naveen=12x*7/6=14x

The new savings of Naveen =95x/4-14x=95x/4-14x=39x/4



The increased income of Naveen=400*95/4=Rs.9500

185. Ratio of the income to the expenditure of A and B is 5:4 and 8:7 respectively and the sum of their savings is Rs.9000 and the savings of A is Rs.1000 more than that of B. Find the difference between their incomes.

A और B की आय से व्यय का अनुपात क्रमशः 5:4 और 8:7 है और उनकी बचत का योग 9000 रुपये है और A की बचत B की तुलना में 1000 रुपये अधिक है। उनकी आय के बीच का अंतर ज्ञात कीजिए।

A. Rs.7000
B. Rs.4500
C. Rs.6000
D. Rs.8000
E. None of these

Option “A” is correct.

Income of A = 5x

Expenditure of A = 4x

Savings of A = 5x – 4x = x

Income of B = 8y

Expenditure of B = 7y

Savings of B = 8y – 7y = y

x + y = 9000 —- (1)

x – y = 1000 —- (2)

From (1) and (2),

2x = 10000

x = 5000

y = 5000 – 1000 = 4000

Income of A = 5 * 5000 = Rs.25000

Income of B = 8 * 4000 = Rs.32000

Required difference = 32000 – 25000 = Rs.7000

186. The ratio of the income of Rani and Kavi is 5:7 and the ratio of the expenditure of Rani and Kavi is 3:4. Find the savings of Kavi, if the income of Rani is Rs.7500 and the savings of Rani is Rs.4500.

रानी और कवि की आय का अनुपात 5:7 है और रानी और कवि के व्यय का अनुपात 3:4 है। कवि की बचत ज्ञात कीजिए, यदि रानी की आय 7500 रुपये है और रानी की बचत 4500 रुपये है।

a) Rs.5000
b) Rs.7500
c) Rs.5600
d) Rs.6500
e) None of these

Option “D” is correct.

Income of Rani = Rs.7500

Income of Kavi = 7500 * 7/5 = Rs.10500

Expenditure of Rani = 7500 – 4500 = Rs.3000

Expenditure of Kavi = 3000 * 4/3 = Rs.4000

Savings of Kavi = 10500 – 4000 = Rs.6500

187. Ratio of the monthly income of Manoj and Bala is 7:5 and the monthly income of Bala and Dinesh is 6:7. If the monthly income of Manoj is Rs.8400, then find the sum of the monthly income of Manoj, Bala and Dinesh together?

मनोज और बाला की मासिक आय का अनुपात 7:5 है और बाला और दिनेश की मासिक आय का अनुपात 6:7 है। यदि मनोज की मासिक आय 8400 रुपये है, तो एकसाथ मनोज, बाला और दिनेश की मासिक आय का योग ज्ञात कीजिए?

a) Rs.14400
b) Rs.21400
c) Rs.19600
d) Rs.20400
e) None of these

Option “B” is correct.

The monthly income of Manoj = Rs.8400

The monthly income of Bala = 8400 * 5/7 = Rs.6000

The monthly income of Dinesh = 6000 * 7/6 = Rs.7000

The sum of the monthly income of Manoj, Bala and Dinesh = 8400 + 6000 + 7000 = Rs.21400

188. A, B and C invested in the ratio of 4: 3: 6 and the shares of A, B and C is in the ratio of 16: 15: 12. Then find the ratio of period they invested for?

A, B और C ने 4: 3: 6 के अनुपात में निवेश किया है और A, B और C के हिस्से 16: 15: 12 के अनुपात में हैं और तो उनके द्वारा निवेश की गई अवधि का अनुपात ज्ञात करें?

A. 5: 3: 1
B. 4: 5: 2
C. 6: 4: 3
D. 7: 5: 3
e) None of these

Option “B” is correct.

The ratio of investment of A, B and C = 4: 3: 6

The ratio of shares of A, B and C = 16: 15: 12

Investment ratio * Period ratio = Ratio of Profit

Period ratio = Ratio of Profit/Investment ratio

According to the question,

= > (16/4) : (15/3) : (12/6)

= > 4 : 5 : 2

189. A’s income is 120% of B’s income and C’s income is 80% of A’s income. If the average income of A, B and C is Rs.3950, what is C’s income?

A की आय, B की आय का 120% है और C की आय, A की आय का 80% है। यदि A, B और C की औसत आय 3950 रु है, तो C की आय क्या है?

A. Rs.3200
B. Rs.3400
C. Rs.3600
D. Rs.3800
E. None of these

Option “C” is correct.

A = 120/100 * B

A/B = 6/5

C = 80/100 * A

C/A = 4/5

A:B:C = 30:25:24

A + B + C = 3950 * 3 = 11850

C’s income = 24/79 * 11850 = 3600

190. The ratio of the income of A and B is 5: 4 and the expenditure of A and B in the ratio of 6: 5. If the savings of A and B is Rs.8000 and Rs.5000 respectively, what is the difference between the income of A and B?

A और B की आय का अनुपात 5: 4 है और A और B का व्यय 6: 5 के अनुपात में है। यदि A और B की बचत क्रमशः 8000 रूपये और 5000 रूपये है, तो A और B की आय में क्या अंतर है?

A. Rs.20000
B. Rs.15000
C. Rs.18000
D. Rs.12000
E. None of these

Option “E” is correct.

The ratio of the income of A and B = 5: 4 (5x, 4x)

(5x – 8000)/(4x – 5000) = 6/5

24x – 30000 = 25x – 40000

x = 10000

Difference = 5 * 10000 – 4 * 10000 = 10000

7 thoughts on “Ratio & Proportion Questions”

  1. Nice application 👍👍 9
    Thank so much 🥰🥰
    Very helpful for my pripresion

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