Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions : Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions are usually asked in all competitive exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RRB PO, RRB Clerk, LIC, RBI, CAT, MBA, etc. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions along with previous Puzzles for Bank Exams, CAT, MBA exams, etc. We are also providing Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions in Hindi and in English. Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions in Hindi will be beneficial to all the Hindi Medium Aspirants. Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions are very important for Reasoning section. Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions carry a good weightage in all competitive exams. |
Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a square table. Four of them are sitting at the corners and four of them are sitting at the middle of the edges. The persons sitting at the corner are facing the centre while the persons sitting at the edges are facing away from the centre. Further, the following information is known.
B sits second to the left of G. C is facing the centre and is equidistant from both B and G. C is a neighbour of A. H is sitting second to the right of A. E is a neighbour of B but not a neighbour of G. D is not a neighbour of B.
1. Who is sitting opposite to D?
2. Who is facing C?
3. Who is sitting opposite to H?
4. Who is sitting opposite to B?
5. Who among the following is sitting adjacent to H?
Appu, Babu, Chitti, Dada, Estevan, Fido and Guru are standing in a circle (not necessarily in the same order) facing the centre. Fido is not second to the right of Dada but Dada is second to the right of Appu. Chitti is third to Appu’s right and second to Guru’s left. Babu and Guru are not neighbours.
6. Who is standing right next to Chitti on the right?
7. Who is the person standing between Appu and Guru?
8. Who is standing right next to Dada on the left?
9. Who is standing second on the left side of Chitti?
10. Where is Estevan standing with respect to Dada?
Hindi ka option provide krvao sir
Puzzle ke questions Hindi me krvao do sir
Hindi me krwa do sir
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Puzzle ke questions Hindi me karva do sir ji
Puzzle ke questions Hindi me karva do sir ji
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Sir,pls question ka pattern hindi me kr dijiye 🙏it’s humble request sir …thank you.
Sir,pls question ka pattern hindi me kr dijiye 🙏it’s humble request sir …thank you.
Sir,pls question ka pattern hindi me kr dijiye 🙏it’s humble request sir …thank you.
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