Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions : Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RRB PO, RRB Clerk, LIC, RBI, CAT, MBA, etc.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions along with previous Puzzles for Bank Exams, CAT, MBA exams, etc. We are also providing Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions in Hindi and in English. Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions in Hindi will be beneficial to all the Hindi Medium Aspirants.

Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions are very important for Reasoning section. Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions carry a good weightage in all competitive exams.

8 men – Appu, Babu, Chanti, Dada, Everett, Francis, Guru and Hanaf are standing in a circle facing the centre. They are not necessarily in this order. There are 3 men between Dada and Appu. Appu is standing second to the left of Babu. Francis is to the immediate left of Chanti. Dada is not standing right next to either Francis or Everett. Babu and Hanaf are not standing right next to each other.

1.   Where is Everett standing wrt Guru?


2. 4 of the given options are similar. Find the odd one out?


3. Who is standing fourth to the right of Hanaf?


4. Which of these options is correct?


5. How many people are standing between Hanaf and Appu in the right hand direction of Hanaf?


8 friends, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a row facing north. Each one of them owns a mobile of different brand among Apple, Samsung, LG, Nokia, Moto, Micromax, Xiaomi and Blackberry. Further the following information is also known
1. B owns a samsung mobile and the number of people sitting on his right is 1 more than the number of people sitting on his left.
2. D and A are equidistant from C but none of them is adjacent to C. C is sitting to the left of B.
3. A is the only person sitting between B and G and G owns a blackberry mobile.
4. The person who owns a micromax is sitting at the extreme right end.
5. E who owns Moto is 5th to the left of H who owns Xiaomi.
6. The person who owns Apple is 4th to the left of the person who owns Nokia.

6. For how many people can you determine their exact position and the mobile that they own?


7. Who is the owner of Nokia?


8. Who owns the LG mobile?


9. How many people are sitting between the LG owner and the Xiaomi owner?


10. Who is sitting at the extreme left end?


17 thoughts on “Reasoning Puzzle For Prelims”

  1. Sir,pls question ka pattern hindi me kr dijiye 🙏it’s humble request sir …thank you.

  2. Sir,pls question ka pattern hindi me kr dijiye 🙏it’s humble request sir …thank you.

  3. Sir,pls question ka pattern hindi me kr dijiye 🙏it’s humble request sir …thank you.

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