1. A motorboat can cover a distance of 14.4 km downstream and 6.4 km upstream in 4 hours. It can also cover 3 km downstream and 1.2 km upstream in 48 minutes. What is the speed of the boat in still water(in km/hr)? एक नाव 4 घंटे में 14.4 किमी धारा के अनुकूल और 6.4 …

Boat and Stream Questions Read More »

1. A train without stoppage travels with an average speed of 50 km/h, and with stoppage, it travels with an average speed of 40 km/h. For how many minutes does the train stop on an average per hour? स्टॉपेज के बिना एक ट्रेन 50 किमी/घंटा की औसत गति से यात्रा करती है, और स्टॉपेज के …

Time, Speed and Distance Read More »

1. Two pipes P and Q can fill the tank in 900 and 100 hours respectively. If they are opened together, then in how many hours will the tank be filled? दो पाइप P और Q एक टंकी को क्रमशः 900 और 100 घंटे में भर सकते हैं। यदि उन्हें एक साथ खोला जाता है, …

Pipes and Cisterns Read More »

1. If A works for 4 hours a day for 6 days at 80% efficiency and gets paid Rs. 19200. What should be paid to B who works for 8 hours a day for 6 days at 60% efficiency? यदि A, 80% की दक्षता के साथ 6 दिन के लिए एक दिन में 4 घंटे कार्य करता …

Time and Work Read More »

1. Final Ratio between milk to water in a vessel is 64 : 61. If initially there was 100 L milk. Some part of mixture is taken out and replaced by water and this process is further repeated 2 times more, find the quantity of mix replaced. एक बर्तन में दूध और पानी के बीच …

Mixture and Alligation Questions Read More »

1. The average of nine numbers are 87. If the average of first five numbers are 79 and the average of next three numbers are 92; find ninth number? 9 संख्याओं का औसत 87 है। यदि पहले 5 संख्याओं का औसत 79 है और अगले 3 संख्याओं का औसत 92 है; तो नौवीं संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए। …

Average Questions for Competitive Exams Read More »

1. A sum fetched a simple interest of Rs. 5264 at a rate of 7 percent per year in 8 years. What is the sum? एक राशि का 8 वर्षों में प्रति वर्ष 7 प्रतिशत की दर से 5264 रूपए का साधारण ब्याज है। राशि क्या है? Rs. 9400 Rs. 9600 Rs. 10600 Rs. 8400 …

Simple Interest Questions and Compound Interest Questions Read More »

1. By selling 32 articles, a shopkeeper gains the selling price of 12 articles. His gain percentage is∶  32 वस्तुओं को बेचने पर, एक दुकानदार को 12 वस्तुओं का विक्रय मूल्य लाभ के रूप में प्राप्त होता है। उसका लाभ प्रतिशत क्या है? 31% 50% 60% 64% 2. A product, whose MRP is Rs 978 …

Profit and Loss Questions for Competitive Exams Read More »

1. Four years ago, the ratio of the ages of A and B was 9 : 13. Eight years hence, the ratio of the ages of A and B will be 3 : 4. What will be the ratio of their ages 4 years hence? चार वर्ष पहले, A और B की आयु का अनुपात …

Problems on Ages Read More »

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